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Reply by country pumpkin
20 Oct 2021, 2:50 AM

Hi Mary09
You never have to apoligize to me, I understand what it's like to be committed to our love ones.  Your mom and Dad should be very grateful to have a devoted daughter.  My parents raised us kids to be kind to other, try to respect people and be a good honest person.  My brothers have their own life and I know they appreciate me for caring for Mom but they could be helping out a lot more than they do.  My one brother is married and he is retired and he has a trust issue just like myself.  He has been hurt terribly in the pass so he thinks most people are jerks.  I don't agree with him and I let him vent when I see him but I feel more sorry for him for being so resentful towards people.

 My oldest brother was in the Navy and had 2 unsuccessful  marriages partial because he is too controlling.  He knows how to work and has a small business but again he has to play big shot all the time and after awhile you just want to tune him out!!  Both brothers figure after Mom has pass that it will take about 12 months to get the house ready to sell.  Mom and Dad built this house in 1973, so it's not new anymore.  It's 4000 sq feet and has about 16 to 18 different rooms, bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, family room, laundry room, complete basement apartment etc.  Mom is somewhat of a hoarder, she has kept things that where from her other house before moving here.  It is a beautiful house and I feel priviledge to live here but there is a lot of work to do and there are things that need to be repaired before selling it.  
  Like your Mom , mine is bedridden and has also had a lack of appetite.  Mom isn't too demanding on what she wants to eat, most times she would prefer just consomme and
a biscuit with tea.
I try to make meals that I know she has enjoyed in the pass, her taste buds have changed drastically that she adds salt and pepper to her meals daily.  I have to take Mom's blood pressure daily and also her weight.  She has been diagnosed with fluid around her heart also with the kidney failure.
  I'm sorry that you do go through so much with your Mom.  My Mom has a great sense of humour.  I knew when growing up If my Mom was sad or mad it was for reason from her work or just working too many hours all together.  I have mood swings and I'm on medication for depression.  I find talking to my Mom, it helps me ease my streass level.  Knowing that my Mom is dying is very emotional and stressful to deal with but I keep reminding myself how lucky I am to be able to spend the time with her and not having to share my time with my brothers.  Mom and I get along very well and we laught and cry together.

  I never really got to say goodbye when my father died because he was in a drug induce coma for 3 weeks.  He had an anerism that leaked into his stomache and he died 3 weeks later.  I am
making sure I have the time with my Mom while she still is coherent and able to be alert.  My
Mom is not in pain like your Mom and I 'm so sorry that she is going through so much especially with chemo.
  I'm sure you are bone wery tired and your husband doesn't really understand it or want to understand it.  He may even be somewhat resentful because you are spending so much of your time caregiving for your Mom. You really have no way of winning.  Your mother needs you and your family also needs you but when do you get to be yourself.  When do you get to feel happy or sad or mad or just plain tired!!  You have to be a very stronge person to juggle all of this and not lose yourself.  When you do feel depressed or whatever emotion you feel, don't appoligize for feeling that way.  You can only give so much of yourself at times.
  Today I took my Mom's car in to have an oil change.  Even though she no longer drives, we keep it insured so when she needs to go to the doctors, at least she's comfortable in her own car.  Many of times Mom has laid down in  her seat coming home from her appointment.  She's so weak that she cannot sit up going home in the car.
  I did'nt paint today, I took a break from it.  I'm about half way done, I still have to finish the bottom cupboard  doors and I have a large pantry shelving and a large lazy cusine cupboard to attack.  The new coat of paint has definitely made the Kitchen look more brighter.  Our main bathroom upstairs, there are some patches on the wall where the paint has started to flake off.  Probably due to the steam from the shower.  Like I said there are alway something that can be done in the house.  I really don't mind attending to them as long as I'm not given directions from my brothers.
 I always wanted to live in a farm house or ranch but never got the oppurtunity.  Because my marriage didn't last very long, and I was somewhat turned off men for awhile, I really did have a house of my own.  I usually rented  apartments.   Mom has the room and space here which is nice but too much space to keep clean and tidy.
  I think also with this Covid virus around it has affected everyone's behaviour.  Life has changed so much since 9/11.  It's hard not to have a guard around oneself.  People you thought you could trust, now you may feel different.  I'm very protected about when I go out for groceries or prescriptions for my Mom.  I still wear latex gloves instead of just the hand sanitizer plus the mask.  I try my best to keep 6 feet apart from anyone I encounter.  Mom's immunity system is so fragile that I do not want to take any chances.  The news is stating lately that the elderly may need to be injected with a 3rd shot.  We were very fortunite that the pharmacise came to the car and did my Mom's shot there.  He knew how difficult it was for her to even walk into the store, so he insisted on coming to the car.  He is a very kind, gentle person.
 I'm here for you anytime and do not feel that you are a burden to me.  I want you to feel that you can talk to someone about how you are feeling without feeling guilty.  You are not alone and I wish you didn't have to experience all on your own.  It's such a heavy load and you need some support somewhere.  Even If all I can do is just listen, I'm here for you.  Keep your chin up and keep telling yourself, you are doing the best you can do!!  Cheryl
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Reply by Mary09
22 Oct 2021, 12:22 AM

Hi Cheryl,
How are you?  How is the painting going?  I must admire how much energy you have doung all this work in your moms house.  I wish your brothers would help more though...it's a big house by the sound of it.  I know my mom would always clean and keep busy when she had a lot on her mind.  She always said it helped take her mind off things.  I am the opposite.  When I am really down I just want to sit and do nothing and wish it all away.  It's not a good way to handle it.  You sound like such a positive person...I hope in talking to you some of that rubs off on me LOL.  
We sound out my mom has a touch of pneumonia...so she is now on antibiotics.  I'm worried about that.  Because of that she wasn't able to have her chemo yesterday.  She is just so weak and it is so beyond hard seeing her in pain and almost starving because she can't eat.  I think we are at the point where we may decide to stop the chemo.  It's getting too hard to get her to the hospital.  I always knew what that one day I would lose my mom and it would break my heart.  But I also knew that I was so afraid of this time period...where she would be ill and I'd have to watch and feel so helpless.  She's only 72.  A lot of people would say she has lived a good life but there are still a lot of people in their 70's that are living healthy good lives.  I wish we had more time..:but not like this. 
I picture your lovely house in the country must have a big porch.  Nice to sit out there with a tea and get some fresh air.  Sounds so peaceful where you are.
Hope you have some time planned for rest this weekend and that your mom is doing okay.
Bye for now Cheryl, talk soon!
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Reply by country pumpkin
22 Oct 2021, 1:34 AM

Hi Mary09
I'm sorry to hear your Mom's condition is getting worse. It doesn't matter how old someone is, when they are sick or terminally ill watching someone suffer or die at any age doesn't matter.  It still hurts beyond words can express!!  I'm not ready to have my Mom go either. 

 Yesterday Mom watched parts of 3 musicals that were on TCM channel  It was the first time in a very long time that Mom smiled and was happy.  I went to bed and sobbed!  I wish I could give her more happy days but her condition is out of my hands.
  Hopefully the antibotics will help with the pneumonia.  It will dpend on your Mom's immune system.  My Dad was succeptic to get pnemonia.  He had emphasima and had trouble with his breathing.  Your Mom is fairly young, seniors are living longer these days.  We had an distant cousin that lived till 102 years old.

  The painting is coming along, the Kitchen is about 2/3 rds done.  I guess I keep being motivated to work at it because I know how much work is still needed to be accomplished before selling the house.  I really cannot count on my brothers so I just work at it bit by bit!

 I commend you for all the efforts you are doing for your Mom.  Just continually going to the hospital is an ordeal.  I broke my wrist in 2019 and I had to go to the hospital weekly for it to be checked out.  I found the weekly apointments to be very stressful and exhausting.  I'm sure your Mother must be feeling overwhelmed as well as empty from all the chemo.
  Lately I've been googling different reicipes from dessert, casseroles to special holiday dinners to keep my mind distracted from Mom's illness.  I find searching new ideas or recipes gives me some piece of mind even If is only for an hour.   Maybe you should try escaping yourself in a good novel or movie, just to give you a break from the heavy schedule you endure every day.
  I'm sending my prayers to you and your family.  I hope God is watching over you and your family.  Cheryl
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Reply by Mary09
23 Oct 2021, 2:39 AM

Hi Cheryl,
I hope you and your mom are doing well today.  I'm glad to hear she had a nice evening and enjoyed watching movies.  If only we could have more days like that, I understand.
I had to rush my mom to our chemo clinic today for IV fluids and antinausea meds...she was throwing up all last night.  It was either that or the ER.  We have a community nurse coming to see her every day for the next five days to give her fluids.  She's exhausted and still very nauseous.
Im hoping my phone doesn't ring tonight and we can all get some rest.
I actually have a bunch of best selling books on my shelf.  I keep buying them but don't read them. I find it hard to focus but I suppose I should try.  I like to look up recipes also but my boys donot encourage me to try them because ahem... they dont seem to think I'm a good cook.  Isn't that nice?  I can't blame them...theyre not wrong.  😊
Im heading to bed now to get some sleep hopefully.  Hope all is well with you!
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Reply by country pumpkin
25 Oct 2021, 9:52 PM

Hi Mary09

I'm sorry to hear your Mom isn't taking to the chemo medication.  I had a cousin that had colon

cancer and tried chemo but he couldn't stay on it because it was too  harsh on his system.  I hope the

chemo is making some progress for your Mom.  It's so hard to watch our love ones endure so

much stress and pain on their bodies.  I feel helpless watching my Mom throw up or be so weak that   

she can barely lift her head off her pillow at times.  My Mom's close cousin came for a short visit on

Sunday.  Mom loves Winnie the Phooh, so my cousin bought her a stuff toy of Pooh Bear and

Piglet.  They are adorable and put a smile on my Mom's face.   I have a large collection of John 

Sandford and James Patterson novels.  I haven't been reading lately but figure I'll have plenty of

time later.  I had to do some errands today for Mom in town and grocery shopping.  The weather

was lousy but it's better than snow.  I love the look of snow on the trees and how it sparkles on

the ground.  I hate driving in it or when the weather turns to icy rain!!  We have a long driveway

and when our driveway turns to ice, it's almost impossible to drive on it.  The painting is starting

to get to me.  I'm tired and pushing myself to get it finished in the next 2 weeks. 

 One of my brother's is turning 60 soon so I'm going to bake him a cake and deliver it to him

with his gift.  Because he's not into birthday parties and I'm still social distancing myself from

people, I thought the cake would make a nice gesture!!

  I hope you get a chance sometime to read one of your novels.  You need to treat yourself

especially when there are times like you want to give up or scream! AA the hard work and effort

you have given to your parents has not been forgotten.  I'm sure your Mom is appreciating all

the love and time you spend with her.  She may not always say it or even show it because she is

so sick or embarassed, but I believe in my heart she loves you dearly.  Sometimes it's hard to

admit we need others at times that being independent cannot always be the right choice.  My

Mom was very independent but needs me now for almost everything and it really is hard for her

to handle.  I just tell her I love her and want to help make it more comfortable for her.  I'm

 sending  you hugs and wishing you some peace at mind.  Cheryl
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Reply by Mary09
27 Oct 2021, 12:01 AM

Hi Cheryl,
How are you and your mom doing today?  I'm glad your mom had a nice visit with your cousin.  I wish we had family here but it's just us.  That's very kind of you to bake your brother a birthday cake...in the middle of all the other things on your plate.  But it sounds like you are someone who likes to do nice things for everyone and takes pleasure in doing so.  Plus it's a nice distraction.
Yes it's definitely hard for parents to accept our help but sadly I think these times will come to alot of us.  I just wish I had a brother or sister to go through this journey with...not just for the physical help but moreso the emotional support.  
My mom is still feeling very weak.  We have one day left of nurses coming to the house to administer fluids...which at least made me feel better because its really hard to get her to drink never mind eat.  We can only go one day at a time now.
I hope you are taking some breaks from the painting.  Don't overdo it and tire yourself out.  It's not going anywhere unfortunately.
Talk to your soon,
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Reply by country pumpkin
28 Oct 2021, 12:58 AM

Hi Mary09

I'm sorry to hear you have no siblings, it can be very lonely at times.  I was closer to my one

brother who is a couple of years older than myself.  We used to be very close as kids but when

he became a teenager he changed and became less and less closer to me or my parents.  My 

older brother we were never really close because here is 9 years older than myself.  Mom and I

sorted out some of her belongings in her dresser drawers today.  She was like a

young child in a candy store.  She found different things she forgot she had or bought and never

used.  It was nice to see her smile for a change.

 I hope the medication your mother is receiving with help her some.  I'm sure she must be pretty

tired of all the doctor appointments and treatments she must endure.

 I'm taking a couple of days off with the painting.  I have my neice coming in for a short visit

on Sunday and I need to make sure the house is tidy and clean when she arrives.  She has a

5 year old daughter that is also coming and I plan to bake them some cupcakes for a treat.

This year has been passing by so quickly.  Winter is just around the corner as well as Christmas.

My car has it's snow tires on and is ready for the cold and snow. 

  I hope your one son is enjoying himself at University.  I hope that he is safe and secure

from the virus.  You have so much to deal with, not just with your Mom's healoth but one son off

to University and your other son with diabetes.  You must be exhausted with all this.  I hope you

try to take some time for yourself.  You need some quiet alone time just to rejuvenate.  My

thoughts and well wishes go out to you.  Eating chocolate is my happy place when I cannot deal

with anymore stress or problems.  I'm sending you a pooh bear hug!!  Cheryl 
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Reply by Mary09
29 Oct 2021, 10:05 PM

Hi Cheryl,
Hope all is well.  That's so nice that you have a visit coming up with your niece and her daughter.   I'm sure your mom will enjoy the visit as well.  You are doing well keeping busy but still finding time to rest...that's the best thing. 
My mom is still not doing well...so much pain and now struggling with swallowing.  My boys visited her today and she cried so much when they left.  She feels she is just old and sick now and they don't know what to say to her.  It's a lot different than all the good times and vacations we took together.  I told her they would visit every single day but it just depends if she is up for the visit.  She says she feels like she has lost everyone already.  It broke my heart.  I tried to reassure her but she is partly right...things are not the same and they won't be again.  I just made sure she knows how much they love her. 
I hope Your visit goes well Cheryl and you have a nice visit with your niece.
Mary xo
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Reply by country pumpkin
30 Oct 2021, 1:56 AM

Hi Mary09

I'm so terribly sorry things are not going well with your Mom's health.  She is feeling so lousy and
depressed that I can empathize why she is so emotional seeing your sons and anyone else.  She 
has so much discomfort and stress and probably is also scared, I know I would be,  not really knowing from day to day what to expect.  Your Mom is a fighter in someways or she would just give up completely.
  You mentioned about the good times while on vacation.  Why not have your sons mention to her of the fun adventures they had with her.  Letting her know that they have enjoyed their time with her may give her a few moments of comfort.
  I can imagine that you are having emotional issues yourself and I wish I could say the right thing to give you some peace of mind.  Being on a emotional roller coaster is exhausting.  I think that is why my eating habits are so erratic!!  I experience my Mom being so weak and tied each day and can really not change it.  I do all the physical tasks and try to make her as comfortable as possible but her mind is still very alert and her emotionals are erratic because she isn't able to be indepentdent on her own.  My mom isn't in pain like your mom, she is just going through all the emotions like your mom.
  My mom doesn't understand why people are so good to her and why they care so much.  She  has always tried to help others and pay it forward.  Letting your mom know you love her and she is a good grandmother to your kids is a positive and kind jesture.  Keep reminding your mom that she is loved and  is still wanted in your life as well as your family.  I watched my god father die of pancreas cancer and no matter how awful he felt my parents tried to make him feel special and still needed in their lives.
  I'm not overly religious and I do not understand why people, children, animals etc have to suffer so much, but I keep trying to have faith and believe there is something more for us after our passing .  
  I do not know how long your mom or mine have left on earth, I just try to live one day at a time.  I do not look forward to anything in the future, just live for the moment. Spending anytime with your mom is a blessing for you and for her.
 I made cupcakes and decorated them like pumpkin faces for my niece and her daughter.  I spent today tidying the Living Room for my guest tomorrow.  I told my mom Sunday I'm taking off!  I'll attend to my mom but other than that I'm going to be a couch potato.  Always thinking about you and your family.  I wish I could do more, just take one day at a time and tell yourself you are doing the best you an do.  God is watching over you and your loved ones, I truly believe that.  Hugs and pryers.  Cheryl
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Reply by Mary09
31 Oct 2021, 3:28 AM

Hi Cheryl,
Thank you so much for your kind words.  I really appreciate them.  Mom hasn't been feeling well at all today... really having trouble with her breathing and swallowing.  I do spend a lot of time with her each day and try my best to keep her spirits up.  Sometimes I try to talk about all the memories we have made and sometimes that helps... but sometimes it just makes her sad.  I can't seem to function these days... just do what I have to for her and that's it.  I am lucky I keep up with the laundry.  I just want to sit and watch TV all day and not think about anything.  I don't deal with this stuff well at all.
I hope you've had a nice visit with your niece and her daughter?  I think you are in Ontario so it's been kind of miserable weather.  Winter is coming.
Take care Cheryl...hope you and your mom are doing okay.
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