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Husband passed Away


My husband passed away at age 64 last April. We were together for 51 yrs and married for 43 yrs. We have 2 daughters and 6 grandkids. They have been my rock.

I cant get over him not being here. He died of Global Brain Injury and the dr said that it would have happened either 3 mths or 3 yrs but it was going to happen. He was on life support for 4 days and there was nothing they could do so my kids and I decided to take him off cause he wasn't going to come out of it.

I have lost the love of my life and the life. I feel so lonely and sad lots and now I have to learn how to go on., I know he wouldn't have left us if he didn't think we could handle it.

I had to make sure my kids were getting a bit better before I looked after myself, well now its my time...

I have never done this before so it is all new to me.

I am hoping this is going to help me and my family.

Stay strong and safe

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