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Réponse de eKIM
10 oct. 2020, 15 h 49


If you ever feel comfortable about using a “first name” (even a ‘made-up for privacy’ one like mine – eKim) don’t hesitate to do so. 

So for now I’ll just say, “Chrissy Dorothy Penelope” instead, rather than CDP; it sounds more warm and fuzzy.  ok? 

Even in the midst of the “blues” it’s good not to lose our sense of humour, wouldn’t you agree Chrissy Dorothy Penelope?

First of all, I want to say that I am not a professional grief counsellor.  I am simply a fellow caring human that loves people and loves to help people.

You said previously that you are working with a professional.  Are you still?  It is important to do so, especially in the case of “complicated or unresolved grief”.

I suppose your story resonates with me because I am a Dad of two daughters who both have children.  Any parent has a bit of a “Mr./Mrs. Fixit/Rescuer” in them.  We want to do that, so badly. 

But ultimately we cannot.  The solution oftentimes lies with the one who is hurting.  They don’t always know this.  It is important for someone simply to listen.  The person who is hurting will eventually enunciate their own solution.  Like Dorothy was told in the Wizard of Oz, “You had the power all along, my dear,” 


You said when you wrote, “I am supposed to be strong, decisive, confident.”  Your last four words jumped out at me, “I am so lost”. 

Is it really “one or the other”?  Could we have two conflicting emotions simultaneously?

I started thinking, what if CDP is the strong one who is writing.  And the one who was lost is your very own “sweet little child-within”?

What do you think about telling your story in the following way – sort of as a journal.  Keep it private or share it – you decide. 

Think of that lost little girl inside as a version of the 11-year-old you.  Ask her many questions about what she is feeling.  Every time she is stuck, try to get her to speak further.  What questions?  Your last posting has many statements that can be reframed into questions, and you probably have many more.

Am I “out to lunch” here CDP.  Please forgive me if I am.  I mean no harm.  It’s just that if it were one of my daughters hurting, this is what I might say.

I suppose this Thanksgiving is tough for you.  Tough to feel grateful when you are in so much pain.  But even a small measure of gratitude can help to soothe the hurting heart.

- I wish you all the best.


Réponse de Mert
11 oct. 2020, 0 h 27

Dear CDP, I'm called Mert (a nickname my grandpa gave me when I was very small) and I just want so badly to send you a a warm blanket of healing energy to embrace you as you relive the horror of your mother's suffering and death.  The trouble with traumatic memories is that they don't just fade and lose their power to distress us over time; instead they can kidnap us into a reliving of the past that is as immediate and powerful as if it happened yesterday.  'This time last year' is a really powerful destabilizer as you're experiencing, and I do believe things will ease once you're through the anniversary of your Mom's death. 

It sounds like the rare disease that so suddenly attacked and disabled your Mom grabbed all the power so she had no control over herself, you had no way of helping her and even the medical professionals didn't know what to do.  I hope that when you get through the 12th into calmer waters you'll be able to re-evaluate your part in it all with compassion for you and your sister who, as you say, "did all we could". 'If onlys' are cruel lashes we inflict on ourselves: natural, perhaps inevitable, but ultimately not helpful.  You're right that the task is to forgive yourself; you can't do it right now but it is possible, and while right this moment you feel anything but strong, everything you've described about what you've faced, lived through, managed and rusvived tells me that you are very strong and will ultimately find your way to a place of making peace with the past.

I will be holding you in my heart on Monday.



Réponse de CDP
07 janv. 2021, 22 h 33

I haven't responded in quite some time. Christmas sucked, but I find the New Year harder. I just feel like I'm leaving mom behind. I wish it weren't the case, but so many unresolved things, unfinished business as it were. I'm tired. 

anyway, a new grief emerged this week. Lost my grandpa. He was fairly healthy for 90, but COVID made it into his care home and he was gone in just a couple days. Heading to Saskatchewan to be with my grandma and family. Boy this sucks.  

thanks for letting me share.  
Réponse de eKIM
08 janv. 2021, 0 h 05

So sorry to hear this CDP.

Be CovicCareful.

Your friends here at Virtual Hospice will be thinking of you.

Keep coming back to us as you need us.

I wish you peace and send loving kindness with these words.

- eKim

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