Hi Dale,
I am sorry to hear about your wife’s passing. I cannot imagine the range of emotions that one would go through.
I am pleased to see your posting. I have long wanted to see a section of Virtual Hospice that drew hospice volunteers (and other interested people).
The experience of being a hospice volunteer, or at a deeper level, (I would imagine), a “companion to the dying” is so profound that it is hard to explain to another who is not involved in this service. Even one’s spouse, as close as they are to you emotionally, cannot fully understand.
In my experience, it is difficult to connect with other volunteers to share experiences, and on-going training with. This is ironic, in that there are thousands of volunteers worldwide who would have much to share, especially with relative newcomers, such as myself.
I began volunteering as a resident support/spiritual care volunteer two and a half years ago. I still feel like a “babe in the woods”, volunteering in this area. Previous to this I had no training or experience in the social services.
I would be keen on continuing this thread, this conversation with any and all who are similarly interested, for two reasons: a) I would like to learn more about companioning, b) I would like to fine a group of volunteers and others who would like to post and share thoughts and ideas specific to being a hospice volunteer.
I look forward to hearing from you, Dale and also Brayden and Plum1