My biggest supporter, who was around almost for a straight two mths is my daughter. I told her to look after her familyand she was reluctant but did as I asked.
For the most part I'm alonem I have an acquaintance who to;d me its her jib to antangonize me, make me angry so I get it out. That same person told me just yesterday she doesn't come around because we would end up talking about it. I'm so confused about things like that.
I have two siblings that won't call, because in their words: I make them feel depressed because I'm so angry. Of course they are referring to a few facebook posts that they decided were directed at them. I tried to talk to one of them last nite but, once more it was pointless because "I need to consider their feelings before I post or say anything". Very confusing.... I did inform her that I am empty and need to find a way to fill myself back up again which she totally ignored...Things went down hill from there and once she started to yell at me, I said goodbye and hung up.
His family has chosen to pretend I don't exist.
I drive transport for a living and recently received my layoff notice...Great begginning of 2015. I would like to change careers completely and get out of driving for a living. So, that is on my to do list among other things.
May 9th I put my husband's remains in a gazebo style burial spot. I would have it done but the sister I was mentioning above informed me that it's not very sisterly to make it on a day she coudn't attend...sigh...
The sibling's do not call me, I have to call them.
I don't discuss this with my kids as they have enough on their plates.
I have been told that because I'm angry people don't want anything to do with me and I'm the one driving (pushing) them away.
It's too much drama for me and I am willing to deal with only so much.
That's been my life for past four mths, that and so mucg more...