That's a wonderful article. I appreciate the active link to his blog and that his family has kept it online.
Blogging is wonderful. I did it for years until my parents died. It did help. But the time and energy it took, in the end, I found was too much.
This website - Virtual Hospice - is such an excellent idea and resource. Wish I'd found it earlier in life. I didn't realize until reading that article that it's been here since 2004.
I think this will be an easier place for me to manage interacting. A blog would be too intensive for me with health and daily self care needed. I think these discussion forums are a great fit to keep connected and find others living with illness without needing programming and other tech skills. I couldn't set up a blog these days to save my life I don't think. Coding is so different, nothing I know, and my cognitive issues are too rough just now to push it like that. Grateful for this place. Thank you.