Address: |
John Jambor Room, 1st Floor
BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver Centre
600 West 10th Avenue |
City: |
Vancouver |
Province / Territory / State: |
British Columbia |
Postal / Zip Code: |
V5Z 4E6 |
Country: |
Canada |
Phone: |
604-877-6000 ex. 673063 or toll free at 1-800-663-3333 |
Description: |
A drop-in group for Chinese-speaking cancer patients and their supporters. It is conducted in Cantonese and held on the second Thursday of each month from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. This group provides a safe place to share feelings and thoughts on dealing with emotions, coping with cancer and its treatment. Speakers will be invited to share their expertise on topics such as communication, nutrition, financial resources, community support, symptoms and side effects management. Visit the website listed above for more information.
內容: 互助小組讓華語癌症病人及其親友, 在安全的氣氛下抒發感受, 互相支持面對
癌症。 我們亦會邀請專業人仕分享資訊,內容包括營養、經濟及社區資源、溝通、病
對象: 粵語癌症病人及其親友
時間: 每月之第二個星期四 下午1時30分至3時30分(粵語組)
地點: 卑詩癌症中心(温哥華診所)1樓 John Jambor室
( 温哥華 西10街 600號 )
小組負責人:卑詩癌症中心 - 病人及家屬輔導部
社會工作員 鄺秀虹女士