From caring as a nurse for the very first titled “palliative patient” in the mid-1980’s to carrying on in the palliative volunteer sector in the 1990’s to her present day dedicated palliative teaching and advocacy work in the 2000’s, Mary Hughes can be described as a kind of living walking palliative care historian, leader and legend on palliative care in PEI. In her passion and in her stature, Mary is often referred to as PEI’s original face and strongest voice for hospice palliative care, establishing a great influence over the longest extended span of time.
Anyone who has had the privilege of knowing Mary can agree she is a go getter, a driving force, and an innovator with tremendous energy, enthusiasm, selflessness and dedication to hospice palliative care (hpc) on a local, provincial and national level. She is known to be an unbelievable hpc activist who will do whatever it takes to get what the palliative patients and their families she cares about and for need. One prime example is a picture of Mary in 2013 shown on the front page of the local newspaper being a fierce advocate making a successful plea in getting the PEI Minister of Health to start and the finish a new top of the line palliative care unit.
Mary has a dynamic rapport and connection with people of all ages and her gift at teaching palliative care is truly noteworthy. Her students say that her knowledge of the subject and her ability to communicate it effectively is a tribute to her outstanding teaching style and that she goes above and beyond. One summed it up fittingly when she said , " After taking Mary’s course I no longer fear death, instead I look on it as an honor to be with someone in such an intimate time of their life.”
It is very obvious that over more than 30 years Mary has made and continues to make an invaluable HPC contribution for which she fittingly received the 2012 Queens Jubilee medal.
Mary deserves to Take a Bow.
It can be said that once you meet Mary Hughes you will never forget her and if you also have the honor to call her friend, just as in her hpc dedication, you will never meet anyone more supportive, loyal and true to the end.