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Réponse de MargMarie
18 mars 2021, 10 h 13

Dear McRalph
Please accept my condolences on the passing of your husband, I know the feeling of sudden loss. eKim has spoken some wonderful truths and I appreciate the wisdom in those words. I am not familiar with Abraham Hicks, but will google him today. There is a scripture in the Bible that says " the rain falls on the just and the unjust". Sometimes we feel that God isn't fair, when we compare our lives to others, but I think that as long as I believe that ultimately God loves me, then whatever happens in my life, or to those I care about, He will get me through it. I can only imagine how crazy and busy you are right now, especially with small children. I will pray that God will give you strength and peace moving forward.
Réponse de McRalph
19 mars 2021, 0 h 37

Skim, thank you for your words, they were very comforting.  My husband always told me I was such a strong person and he was my biggest cheerleader and supporter.  He might have called on you to speak to me.  My husband was the most beautiful human being on the planet.  So kind, patient, loving.  He gave me and my girls unconditional love.  Not many people get to experience unconditional love but I did.  He never said a bad word about anything.  Even when I pressed him to tell me something he found annoying about me he couldn't answer, except to say I was too hard on myself.  There is such a hole where he was but I know him so well that his voice is the voice of 
God in my heart.  He was my version of God on earth. so wise and he had all of the answers when I struggled spiritually.  He was amazing!  I know he is still here with me every day and I do still talk to him But I also miss him like crazy.  He was my friend for over 30 years and we were together for 20, married for 15.  When he died it was like he disappeared.

I started a God jar.  Every single worry I have goes in the God jar and then it's turned over to God. I have had to do this for my own sanity.  It has really helped.  
Réponse de McRalph
19 mars 2021, 0 h 41

Thank you MargMarie for your kind words!  I get up every day for my kids.  They didn't deserve to lose their dad so I am trying to be the best parent I can for them.  I honestly don't know what I would do without them.  They are so wonderful!  
Réponse de eKIM
19 mars 2021, 22 h 07

Hello, McRalph

I love to read people’s comments in this “thread’.  It was set up to support peoples’ beliefs – not to proselyte one’s own.  We learn so much this way while offering a compassionate ear. 

You said, “He might have called on you to speak to me.”  I am very open-minded to such thoughts.  Not that I am deserving of such an honour, it’s just that perhaps I am in the right place at the right time for the right reason. 

Whether or not a beautiful thought is true or not, does not take anything away from the love, joy and peace that comes from the thought.

As a hospice volunteer, I have had countless encounters that have a certain commonality.  Often it would be an elderly woman patient who was a widow.  It seems that women just seem to live longer than men.

As a resident support volunteer, it is my role to be a “compassionate companion” during their last days of life. 

Often, (as I stood at bedside) I would have the thought, “Well, I’m not her husband, but I am a husband and I have been one for 50 years.”  Then I would speak tenderly to them with the aim of providing a measure of peace and comfort. 

After my shift, driving home, I would imagine a fictional conversation with her husband waiting in heaven for his sweetie to join him.  He would say, “Thank you, eKim for “being there” for my girl.”  Fiction?  Yes.  A beautiful story?  Yes.  But who knows who I will meet when it is my turn to enter heaven? 

This thought brings me peace and joy.  Thinking about my family who have passed away and all the beautiful people in heaven takes away any fear about when my time comes.  And imagine, spending eternity with the one(s) you love the most!

- eKim

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