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Réponse de Rima
23 févr. 2021, 16 h 01

Hi eKim,

I am new here, just joined and found this post. Looking forward to learning more about spirituality through this thread. 

Thank you!
Réponse de eKIM
23 févr. 2021, 23 h 11

Hi Rima.   And welcome. 

I will post something soon in the section called Religion, spirituality and faith. What is the difference? 

I hope to begin a discussion soon regarding Religion/Spirituality/Faith.  I hope:

©     It will be "reflective" rather than "instructive". 

©     It will be a place for people to share how religion/spirituality/faith helps them on their Journey of Healing.

©     I hope it will be a "sharing circle" type of discussion, where people can contribute their thoughts and feelings.  

©     And then simply take what they need to help them on their Journey of Healing, and simply "leave the rest".

I don’t want to be part of a place where people "challenge" the beliefs of others. 

Decades ago I met an ordained person who became a friend.  I asked him this once, “You obviously have very firm religious convictions and beliefs.  How do you respond when someone makes a statement that conflicts with your beliefs?” 

He replied, “I simply smile, nod my head and say, ‘That’s interesting.’  Then, as soon as I can, I change the topic to a neutral area.  I never argue or proselytize.  Everyone seems to like me because of that.”

I have always tried to follow his advice.  And you know what?  You sure learn a lot with your mouth closed and your ears open.


24 févr. 2021, 17 h 05

As promised eKIM has started a new thread Religion, spirituality, faith. What is the difference?

And I just noticed that Nouce started a new thread The long journey of grief.

Warm regards,

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