Forums de discussion

31 déc. 2020, 2 h 23

Hello everyone, 

I hope that all of you have been able to navigate your way through the holiday season along with the addition of covid this year. I know that for some this is a very hard time - and I hope you have had times of peace.

A new member Storybook posted this evening to Struggling with sudden & unexpected loss. Could I ask you to consider responding to her thread? 
Thanks so much for thinking about it.

Réponse de AMT
10 janv. 2021, 14 h 33

Hi Ceejay,

I was reading posts from the fall on this thread and saw that you mentioned feeling apprehensive about the winter in general and Christmas specifically. I'm just wondering how you are doing? Covid continues to force isolation on people and Christmas is such a significant grief anniversary for many. If you want to share any of your experiences of grief (or resilience) over the last few months I would weclome reading them. 

Réponse de christinarobert
19 févr. 2021, 10 h 57

Really sorry for your loss and may she rest in peace. I know what you are going through since I lost one of my bestfriend as well a 5 years ago. It felt like yesterday where we were suppose to go to university together and be roomates just like old times. Life took an unexpected turn where she lost her life in a car accident and I lost a part of my soul that day. However my family and friends helped me throughout my tough times and hope that the same must have been for you. 
Réponse de christinarobert
19 févr. 2021, 11 h 01

Really sorry for your loss. I know what you mean by since I had a similar expereince where I lost one of my bestfriend 5 years ago. It felt like yesterday that we were gonna start university together but life took an unexpected turn an I lost her in a car accident. I still feel like there are times where she is watching over me. Thankfully my family and friends helped me get through my tough times. 

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