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Réponse de CarolK
04 juin 2016, 21 h 14

I am havin another "bad" day. Maybe these are good days. I guess crying will help me to heal. I did as you sugegsted KathCull. I hope that RD was helped. I am not computer illiterate in the least but this website is difficult to use sigh...

I have been writing a journal to Ken as suggested by another member. Writing or being creative was suggest and as Ken was a very high up IT guy before he got sick  maybe he can use this form  of communication. 

Ken and I shared a hairdresser. She gave me a book written by a medium. I am not a believer but Ken had an an open mind before he died and I will try to do so as well. I hope that this book will give me some comfort and open my mind to new possibilities.

My nephew is coming in from Ottawa in a week and a half. We were very close before he left. The distance has not strengthened our bond but ordinarily I would be too excited for words at his arrival. I feel so dead inside at present. I hope that maybe this funk will end once he is here. I don' want to miss out on one of life's great opportunites.

I am going to go and see my doctor very soon. I am not healthy and I am on disability. I wonder if I can get some help from him regarding my lack of enjoyment of life. I have friends who are on anti depressants and they swear by them. I am not a believer in them but I am so tired of being in thsi pain. Any thoughts??

Réponse de NatR
04 juin 2016, 21 h 55

Hi Carol,
just read your note and wanted to reply.  I think you are feeling what most people feel as they grieve, frozen, unfeeling, no joy, shock, and any number of feelings that combine to bring us all to a screeching halt.

i take anti depressants.... And although not given them as a result of a loss, or grief...that being said I felt every day like a shadow of a person, hollow, like I had suffered a huge loss without actually having it happen. 

You need to discuss with your doctor as what you are describing needs a mediCal opinion - at least that's my humble feeling.
You deserve to feel like you are able to cope a bit better, no one should go without the support and assistance they need.
having said that, I am just caring about you and you should ask for the input of your own dr.

grief and loss is devastating and we all figure out ways to cope, and some of us survive without too much else in the way of treatment or counselling - perhaps there is a survivor support group locally for you?

please don't feel I am trying to diagnose, or in any way try to interfere - but when you said your life was empty....I know that feeling....and you deserve to feel there is hope, and better dayes ahead.

i am so glad you felt you could post your feelings....and I hope you get an appointment soon so you can begin returning to a better level of feeling happy again.
i know your husband would want that for you.

i think you will begin to feel better when you reach out and look for support.  I certainky remember how my weekly appointments were something that I looked forward  to, something to help me, someone who understood my feelings and cared about me.

we all care too and I know you will get other replies.
just do what is best for you and keep writing.... It's one day at a time.
Hope this helps ;) 
sending you a warm hug from my corner to yours 
NatR 💐
Ps, being on disability you don't need added stress - just a thought 

Réponse de Marymary
07 juin 2016, 3 h 13

Hi Carol K / Nat 

SO sorry your feeling the way you are feeling!!! I personally would like to Nat'd statement about the dead feeling...I felt so numb for a few months after my mom passed and I thought MAYBE this was what grief was (dead might be another word for it)., empty - just NUMB - empty to me was numb too.  I was not sleeping much, eating was not anywhere near what it was and I was NOT excited about anything I was just going through the motions of being a human being - so it seemed.  But at the same time I also did NOT believe I was depressed either?  Strange huh

It was difficult to decipher at times how I felt and I honestly just didn't know if it was normal or what?  But yes after 2 months I did go see a spiritual healer, the next month after that a psychic and next month after that a medicine man - NO it was not to connect with my mom - NO.  This was just to see about me - did it make me feel better, did it fix me - NO.  It made me feel that this was MY normal - we did talk and they did make me realize because I was too numb to figure it out for myself at that time....but this was MY way to grieve...because we are all unique individuals.  This was how I was grieving.  So the talking for me did wonders - talking sharing and connecting with a spiritual community (not religious).  I also did talk to a spiritual elder and we talked quite a bit which so much helped me.

To each his own - I am NOT one to judge by no means but I do not and did NOT believe in prescribed pills as being the answer that WAS ME though., my own belief a bandaid fix.  

So maybe if you do belong to a church - connect with them or a group of some sort.  They're are quite a few if you care to do the research on the net.  

I think how we EACH grieve is individual as much as we are.  There is NO right or wrong - there just is.  

I think a dr would be a great start and through the cancer agency where you are would be a good start to look into for help.  They have resources their too.  

Hope this kinda gives you a little bit (tiny) of insight to how others grieve and it is ok.  It is not going to be a permanent place you will stay though.  But it'll take time for sure.  

Sending you positive thoughts and hugs 
Réponse de CarolK
07 juin 2016, 15 h 57


Good morning. While it hasn't been a good morning for me in quite some time I am trying to be positive! I hope that everyone is having a good day. 

Totday I am going to go out and do some SUV shopping. Both of our vehicles are gettting older and are large so I want something a bit easier to drive. I am scared to do this on my own but I did some research on the internet and hopefully I will pick a wise choice for me. My husband always did this kind of thing of course but I am trying to take steps forward.

I still am feeling down of course. It's just been five weeks although it feels like an eternity. My brother-in-law's birthday is today and we will have a party. It's pretty tough to go over there without Ken but it's tough for everyone who will be there-not just me. My new approach to life is to concentrate on others and not just myself. I am still not able to do this fully and I don't pressure myself to do so but I spent so much time looking after Ken and I guess I need to give something of myself. That's the theory anyways.

I have an appointment with my cancer counselor tomorrow. I hope to get some ways to help myself address my grief. I still hide from it at times. I am so tired of feeling down and crying. I know that I can't do that though!

I need to go to the doctor and see what he says. Stress is bad for everyone. I am on the fence about anti depressants. I know a lot of people who say that their lives are much better with them but I try not to take any extra medications. I take enough of them! My doctor will advics me I'm sure! 

I hope this note is a bit more positive. I feel it is. I am sending you all some hugs. Hopefully today will be a good day. Thanks for taking the time to share with me your insights!

Réponse de NatR
07 juin 2016, 22 h 40

Dear Carol,

what a great note from you - although I feel your sadness I also feel you making stabs at picking up the pieces of your life and not being defeated.
i totally understand your fear of taking on decisions and purchases that you never did alone - it's not that you can't do it - but you just never did / and you are building confidence as you take on each new day, and each challenge.

i am glad you are thinking about all the others affected as well as yourself / and know that you aren't the only one feeling lost and unsure
I admire your strength and your steps toward a different kind of normal /  sometimes  we have to embrace the new circumstances regardless of how painful it is.

on a day like today  / when it's raining and almost cold enough to snow! Yes I said snow! Lol / it was really good to read your note to us all :)
even if we do get wet snow tonight (in northern ontario) and even if it rains for the 5th day in a row - I feel warmer and  encouraged by your writing.

as for dealing with grief we all do it in different ways and with different tools. what works for one doesn't work for another / but it's just finding the right choices and supports for you.
supporting you  from a distance and very glad you wrote 
best wishes for tonight and the rest of the week!
NatR ❤️👍🏻 
Réponse de CarolK
08 juin 2016, 3 h 55

Hi NatR! Your note made me feel so much better! I am really trying. I keep asking Ken what would make me feel better and though he didn't answer me directly i know that concentrating on others should be a healthy step.

I bought an SUV today. I am unsure if I made the right decision but a part of me feels that Ken would not let me go wrong.

My hairdresser gave me a book about life after death a few days ago. I have not been a believer but Ken was really intelligent and he believed that life was circular so he believed that we don't disappear after death.  I started reading it last night because I couldn't sleep. The theory is that we all exist pain free in a reality close to this one. We have spirit guides that try to help us aka intuition. This may sound nuts but I want so firmly to believe that Ken has a better existance then the one he left. He suffered so much and I would truly be happy for him if I knew that he was okay on the other side no matter how sad I feel without him. You mentioned a church group but I was force fed God as a child and that made me into a non-believer. This does not mean that I won't explore this option either. 

I am scared to leave this house. I gave Ken's clothing to the Canadian Diabetes Association today and now there is no evidence of his existance in our bedroom. It really upsets me. I still have his office mind you but i will move within the next two months and I kept his bathrobe, some sweats, a t-shirt and a flannel shirt that he never wore but I thought that I would like. I kept a watch I bought him many Christmas' ago  as well as his wedding ring which I wear around my neck on a chain. This isn't much to show for a 48 year old man. I have pictures of course and a few videos thank god!

I am sorry! I feel kind of bleak right now. Nights are the  worst for me. I guess it is normal to go up and down. I do it a a lot. Once again, thanks for the words of encouragement. They really made my day!

Réponse de NatR
08 juin 2016, 4 h 31

Hi Carole....
just heading for bed but one more email to read....and it was your post.
we have another thing in common.  Raised as a preachers kid and turned out like you....not religious but yet seeing a spiritual side that is difficult to understand but I feel it is you said.
its being open to ideas that helps I think....who Can say....we have to have some faith and investigate things for ourselves.

Congrats on buying a vehicle....sometimes we have to do that with "faith" as well.

glad my note gave you some comfort....just another voice in the wilderness...listening and sharing...learning from each one, 

yes es there is very little left after we lose someone....but I believe that your love is what matters the most.  We dont take up much space after death, thinking of my parents....larger than life when on this earth, part of my existence for so many years, telling me how to behave, teaching me things, preaching at me, members of community, caring for friends and connections through work, church, neighbourhood....then, poof....just a few souvenirs, a letter or two, photographs, buttons from a military jacket....a nurses watch that mom wore on her uniform...more photos...
 But not much to represent a busy involved life.

ken was your rock, he mattered to you, to his family and friends. Nuts his spirit that will always remain with you...his words, smile, hugs, touch...stories, personality etc.

wear the ring, remember him....he is so much more than just a few mementos....he lived, loved and cared....

thats what matters.
you are missing him, he was real...and he always will remain so in your is a powerful force.

sorry to write so much....just rambling thoughts from another gal...sending you peaceful thoughts tonight,
hugs :) rest 💐💓
natr 😌 
Réponse de CarolK
08 juin 2016, 11 h 43

Hi NatR! I read your email tonight and this morning. Your notes always seem to make me cry. It is not because they depress me but because they touch my heart and sometimes add a different perspective. Thank-you for your insights! I am really thankful for this group. I remind myself daily that a lot of other people have gone through the same thing that I am going through and that everyone picks up the pieces of their lives so I can too!

I was up early this morning (5 am) due to my furry friends wanting some kibbles lol. I can usually fall back asleep but today I was not that fortunate. I have three cats (thanks Ken) and one of them is having bloody poops so in addition to my meeting with my cancer counselor I will be off to the vet this afternoon. Hopefully it is nothing too serious!!!

You  mentioned that you are from Ontario and that snow was a possiblity. At least summer is around the corner so keep your chin up! It is cool here too in Manitoba. We have had rain for days. I hope to go for a walk today but my lack of sleep may catch up with me. We shall see. It is cankerworm season here and they are bad this year. I hope I don't get deluged with them.

How are you today NatR? I was touched by your story regrading the table drawing and your momentos from your family. You are right though. The memories are the most important things that a person can leave. I have a couple of videos of my husband that I watch over and over again. They always make me smile and laugh. I am glad he had the foresight to save them for me.

This is the second note that I have written to you this morning. One of my cats erased the other one and now he is trying desperately to get back into the office. When will I ever learn just to lock him out lol? He's done this to me too many times. Have a great day!

Réponse de NatR
08 juin 2016, 13 h 11

Dear Carol 

your notes touch me also - I am sorry I make you cry / I seem to have a way to go to the gut with my words and I keep trying to remind myself that how I say things really hits home sometimes
forgive me in advance

despite my allergies to cats Carlol I sense we would be very good friends as we - like the other virtual members are all sharing and caring about each other - not just our own stories and feelings

I wish you a good day / it is -2 with rain showers and who knows what!!! Lol

sp glad we can reach each other by word and thought through Viryual Hospice
its so important to have a caring neteork
 also glad to hear you have precious video of Ken / it helps you hear and see him and reinforce your precious memories

lifting my coffee cup towards Manitoba:)
NatR 🌻❤️ 
Réponse de CarolK
09 juin 2016, 23 h 11

Hi NatR. I tried replying to you yesterday and wiped out my message all by myself. I am not computer illerate-just unlucky lol! I did not mean to make you feel bad about making me cry. I feel that we connect. It's not a bad thing!

I agree that we could be friends in real life too. We seem to share a lot of common thoughts.

We had 29 degrees out today. It's a bit warm for me but I got myself up and out and did a 6 km walk today. Yay! I hope that ken comes with me. you never know.

I talked with my cancer counselor yesterday and she said that I was connecting with people and moving forward. This is very good. She said I am continually suffering losses too (Ken's clothing, his vehicle, our house etc) so I have the right to be down. She said to treat myself to something that I want to do and today I walked instead of going to the bank to cancel Ken's credit cards. I may wait until next week to do this. Only one more nice day before rain and  cooler temperatures.

I was so down yesterday that I called Ken's insurance comapny for some additional help. They have grief counselor's also. I have a meeting in one and a half weeks. I don't pay anything for it and it can't hurt I guess.

I took both of my boys in yesterday to the vet's and the she said that it was an impacted gland on my big boy so I hope this fixes everything. I started crying at the vet's office. I so wish that wouldn't happen. 

I am writing a journal to Ken. I feel a little better after I write.

How are you feeling? I've just rambled on about myself..... 

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