Tender Palliative Care

Adresse 488, rue McMillan
Ville Gatineau
Province / Territoire / État Québec
Code postal / Code postal américain J8P 5C7
Pays Canada
Téléphone 819-669-2627
Adresse courriel heather-ann.duguay@sympatico.ca
Description Tender Palliative Care specializes in helping the terminally ill client gain the ability, right and affirmation to live the last stage of life at home, with the continued familiarity of their surroundings, and closeness of family and friends. Tender palliative care will help provide the dignity, comfort and support needed as they face the end of life. The primary focus of the care plan will be tailored to the individual needs of the client, which includes the physical care, psychological, social, spiritual and practical support for the terminally ill and their loved ones. Services are provided in French & English.

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