
Adresse 653 Queen St.
Ville Newmarket
Province / Territoire / État Ontario
Code postal / Code postal américain L3Y 2J1
Pays Canada
Téléphone 905-967-1500 ext. 115
Numéro de télécopieur 905-967-0018
Adresse courriel

PalCare is a non-medical hospice palliative care education provider funded by the Central LHIN. Delivering over 100 education sessions annually and reaching more than 2000 participants, PalCare provides: foundational Core 1 training to PSWs, non-medical healthcare professionals, and volunteers working in hospice palliative care; hosts annual symposiums with topics ranging from cultural humility, to grief and bereavement, to self-care; and offers ongoing advanced training opportunities focused on current issues in hospice palliative care. PalCare has been providing education to non-medical healthcare professionals for over 30 years and is part of the family of Better Living Health and Community Services.

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Notre équipe d’experts est là pour répondre à vos questions à propos des maladies potentiellement mortelles et de la perte d’un proche.

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Programmes et services

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