Hospice Wellington

Adresse 795 Scottsdale Drive
Ville Guelph
Province / Territoire / État Ontario
Code postal / Code postal américain N1G 3R8
Pays Canada
Téléphone 519-836-3921
Numéro de télécopieur 519-836-2154
Adresse courriel info@hospicewellington.org
Url http://www.hospicewellington.org

Hospice Wellington provides services to support those individuals of Guelph and Wellington County who are living with a life-limiting illness or experiencing grief and bereavement. These programs extend to the families and caregivers supporting those diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. Hospice Wellington offers hospice palliative care in our 10-bed residence. Our community programs intend to support Hospice Wellington clients through the experience of life-limiting illness, caregiving, and bereavement. Programs are available in the community, as well as to those who have been supported by our residential hospice. These programs are provided at no cost to the client. Services include One-to-One Palliative and Bereavement Volunteer Support; Palliative Day Program for clients and respite for Caregivers; Group Support Programming for Bereavement and Caregivers; Art Therapy Groups and Workshops; and Integrated Wellness Programs including Bereavement Walking Group, Massage Program, Gentle Yoga, Complementary Therapies and Lending Library.

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