Bereaved Families of Ontario - Ottawa Region

Adresse 211 Bronson Avenue Suite #303
Ville Ottawa
Province / Territoire / État Ontario
Code postal / Code postal américain K1R 6H5
Pays Canada
Téléphone 613-567-4278
Adresse courriel

The mandate of the Bereaved Families of Ontario is to achieve by means of public awareness campaigns, local affiliate development and fundraising activities, the following objectives: -----To help individuals learn to cope with grief after the death of a loved one; To educate and sensitize the business community, health care workers, clergy, funeral directors, general public and referral sources to the needs of all bereaved people; To assume the responsibility of training group leaders and volunteers. Our mission is... the bereaved helping the bereaved to live with grief. We can help the healing begin.

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Découvrez ce que les Canadiens veulent savoir

Consulter un professionnel
Consulter un professionnel

Notre équipe d’experts est là pour répondre à vos questions à propos des maladies potentiellement mortelles et de la perte d’un proche.

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Livres, liens et bien plus

Recommandations de notre

Programmes et services
Programmes et services

Services offerts aux échelons
local, régional et national