Bereaved Families of Ontario - London/Southwest Region

Adresse 571 Wharncliffe Road
Ville London
Province / Territoire / État Ontario
Code postal / Code postal américain N6J 2N6
Pays Canada
Téléphone 519-686-1573
Numéro de télécopieur 519-686-1573
Adresse courriel

Parenting is a life-long journey. That's why the loss of a child, no matter when it happens, is a profound experience. Bereaved Families of Ontario is a non-profit association of families who have lost a child to death. Our belief is that the people who truly understand this special kind of grief are those who have experienced the same tragedy. We offer a non-judgmental environment with trained volunteers who are bereaved parents themselves. Our mandate is to offer a safe and caring environment where family members can come to terms with their loss and continue through life with a renewed sense of strength.

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Notre équipe d’experts est là pour répondre à vos questions à propos des maladies potentiellement mortelles et de la perte d’un proche.

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Programmes et services
Programmes et services

Services offerts aux échelons
local, régional et national