Cours et conférences

Ajouter un événement
Titre de l’événement : Palliative Care: The Human Experience
Organisme : The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County Inc.
Date de l’événement : septembre 26, 2018 to septembre 26, 2018 0830-1630h
Lieu : 6038 Empress Street
Windsor, Ontario, N8T 1B5
Code postal : N8T 1B5
Lien :
Personne-ressource : Doreen Thibert
519-974-7100 extension 2231
Public cible : Grand public, Professionnels de la santé, Chercheurs, Bénévoles, Autres
Catégorie : Conférence
Détails :

The Conference Planning Committee at the Hospice of Windsor / Essex County is pleased to invite you to our 2018 Conference Palliative Care: The Human Experience on Wednesday, September 26, 2018. We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov (the guru of Canadian Palliative Care) will be the keynote speaker to lead off the discussion this year. Dr. Chochinov is internationally recognized for his work in leading the research team that pioneered the Dignity Model and Dignity Therapy. He is a Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Manitoba and is the Director of the Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit, CancerCare Manitoba. Dr. Chochinov’s publications addressing psychosocial dimensions of palliation have helped to establish and define core competencies and standards of end-of-life care. We are reaching out to anyone who may have an interest in Palliative Care to help us share in the discussion. We believe that our conference would be great day of professional learning for clinicians, nurses, social workers, service providers & families within the palliative care community.

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