Cours et conférences

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Titre de l’événement : Palliative Care Education and Practice
Organisme : Harvard Medical School Centre for Palliative Care
Date de l’événement : novembre 03, 2015 to février 01, 2017
Lieu : Royal Sonesta Hotel
Cambridge, Massachusetts,
Code postal :
Lien :
Personne-ressource : Susan D. Block, MD Vicki A. Jackson, MD, MPH
Public cible : Professionnels de la santé
Catégorie : Cours
Détails :

As palliative care increasingly becomes an essential component of routine medical care, there is an accompanying workforce shortage of appropriately trained clinicians. The American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine has concluded that "students graduating medical school today have very little, if any, training in the core precepts of pain and symptom management, communication skills, and care coordination for patients with serious life-threatening illness." There is a substantial need to train clinicians in areas that are essential to palliative care. PCEP exists to efficiently acquire the skills and perspective necessary to influence this changing health care environment.

The Harvard Medical School program in Palliative Care Education and Practice (PCEP) offers intensive learning experiences for physician and nurse educators who wish to become expert in the clinical practice and teaching of comprehensive, interdisciplinary palliative care, as well as gain expertise in leading and managing improvements in palliative care education and practice at their own institutions.

The course is delivered in two parts: Part 1 consists of 8 days of intensive learning, followed by a 6-month interim during which participants work on an individual project and contribute to structured weekly email discussions of problematic, clinical, educational, and program development cases presented by other participants; Part 2 is 7 days of continued experiential learning and training focused on communication, teaching methods, teamwork, and leadership.

Teaching is learner-centered and takes place in a variety of interactive formats including: small groups, large group discussions, demonstration interviews, and panel discussions. Participants have the opportunity to develop action plans for change at their institutions and to practice and receive feedback about their teaching and change strategies. Many opportunities for informal interchange will be available.

Applications will be accepted through August 10, 2015. Scholarships are available.
All applicants will be informed of their status no later than August 31, 2015.

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