Cours et conférences

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Titre de l’événement : Contemplative End of Life Care Training
Organisme : Institute of Traditional Medicine
Date de l’événement : avril 13, 2019 to octobre 19, 2019 10-5pm
Lieu : 553 Queen St. W. 2nd Fl.
Toronto, Ontario, M5V2B6
Code postal : M5V2B6
Lien :
Personne-ressource : Institute of Traditional Medicine
Public cible : Grand public, Professionnels de la santé, Bénévoles
Catégorie : Cours
Détails :

ITM Launched Canada's First program in Contemplative End of Life Care and has been offering the training annually due to its popularity. We have spent years developing a comprehensive, integrated training available to professionals, clinicians, individuals, families and communities, in compassionate end of life care. We aim to make dying a process that holds the potential for profound meaning and transformation for both the dying, and the communities supporting them. We have introduced the term 'thanadoula' to describe the art of serving the dying and the dead. Thanatos (in Greek Oavarog - Death) was the personification of death in Greek mythology and doula, is a servant. Our Contemplative End of Life Care Program Provides training opportunities and mentorship for hospice staff, palliative care physicians and nurses, psychotherapists, healthcare practitioners, social workers, spiritual care professionals, and those who are interested in acquiring competencies that would allow them to be of service to their families and communities within the discipline of end of life care. The CEOLC program was developed as part of a larger effort to improve end of life care in Canada and beyond (Thanadoula Education Project). Over the years, this initiative has brought remarkable teachers to our Institute (First Nations, Buddhist, Psychotherapists, Physicians) representing diverse perspectives and insights into care of the dying. We are committed to our role as a leader in a revolutionary development of human awareness that is transforming how we live, die and relate to others. Although many individuals and communities value personal care given to the dying, few have the knowledge, skills and support to provide effective end of life care. The CEOLC program addresses this need, and provides the training necessary to develop a resourceful and skilled community that can care for the dying and bereaved, while expanding spiritually and culturally appropriate resources, available to everyone. Areas of Study Include: Bio-psycho-social-spiritual aspects of dying & care of the dying Historical & Philosophical Context to End-of-Life Care Cultural Perspectives on Dying & Death Spiritual Foundations to End-of-Life Care Care of the Community, Self-care Mindful Grieving & Bereavement Mindfulness Tools & Skills for End-of-Life Care Communication, Listening & Therapeutic Relationship Skills Heart-Centeredness & Discernment Legal & Ethical considerations Hospice & Palliative Care Resources Complementary Therapies incl. Palliative Massage Childhood death and approaches to this loss Medical, Non-Medical & Interdisciplinary Interventions Recognizing & Addressing spiritual symptoms & suffering Informed End-of-life decision making Outer & Inner stages and signs of the dying process End-of-Life Choices; Euthanasia Home Funerals & Final Passages Vigiling Rituals & Ceremonies at the End of Life Medical Systems, Terminology & Practices Creating Care plans for the end-of-life Pain and Symptom Management Contemplative End of Life Care Certificate Graduates of the Contemplative End of Life Care Professional Development training are eligible to apply to sit the thanatology certification exams offered through the Association for Death Education and Counselling (ADEC) in the US.

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