Cours et conférences

Ajouter un événement
Titre de l’événement : Compassionate Communities: Caring For Our Caregivers
Organisme : Hospice Society of Camrose and District
Date de l’événement : novembre 16, 2018 to novembre 16, 2018 8:30 AM
Lieu : 3201 48 Ave
Camrose, Alberta, T4V 0K9
Code postal : T4V 0K9
Lien :
Personne-ressource : Bill Harder
Public cible : Grand public, Professionnels de la santé, Bénévoles
Catégorie : Conférence
Détails :

The purpose of the Hospice Annual Fall Symposium is to provide learning opportunities for the public and for professional caregivers in the fields of palliative/end-of-life care, grief and bereavement, and caregiver wellness. The Speaker is Dr. Rob Rutledge, Radiation Oncologist and Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University, based in Halifax, Nova Scotia. This fall’s symposium focuses on caregivers – personal and professional, and the challenges they face in maintaining personal wellness and quality of life. Those interested in this day of learning may include:  Doctors, nurses, care aids, and others working in the health care field  Counselors, therapists, clergy, social workers  Teachers, support staff, and school administrators  Family members caring for a spouse, child, sibling, or other family with a chronic/palliative condition  Volunteers who provide support to individuals/families with chronic/palliative conditions  Cancer patients and those who support them Online registration opens August 1, 2018

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