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I wrote this in November 2015 to my Mother when we first found out she had Lung Cancer. I had it framed and we sent a copy to the Cancer Centre in Sudbury where she had a short stay for radiation therapy. In Loving Memory of our Mom, Lilliane Moreau née Ferguson 1954-2017. A letter to Mom Cancer has...
My mother died of advanced breast cancer on March 8, 2014. She was a woman who was misunderstood and lived in excruciating and unnecessary pain for months before she died. There was no reason why she had to live the last part of her life in so much agony, but she did. When we were told that the breast...
“Tuco! Wait.” The dogs must be leashed before they spill from the back of the truck. Feels like clipping onto a flood. “Stay. Peanut, sit! Girls! Quiet! ” Her tough, deep voice keeps my sister’s two pit-bulls at bay. I tell myself the decibels are temporary. This is not a time she can show vulnerability.
Vancouver is watery. It has nine indoor and five outdoor pools. The old neighbourhood ones are quiet. They might be called claustrophobic, stinky or small. East Van’s Britannia Pool is tucked back. On timeworn Napier Street, the humble, unremarkable aquatic building belongs. When looking for a lunch-time-laps...
It is often said by many that families are often touched sadly by cancer. I lost my dad at age 58, a heavy smoker, my mom went at age 68, another smoker, we all smoked heavily as I did till turning 37 in 1977 when I changed my lifestyle & became a triathlete & marathoner. I have lost 2 lovely ladies, one in...
My twin and I were identical twins and extremely close to our whole life! We felt when each other needed the other when each other was pregnant, even went through each other's labor and delivery. We even knew when something was wrong with each other, even though after our marriages we lived in different...
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