Tools for Practice

Our clinical team has identified protocols, advanced practices, and assessment and evaluation tools to help support your practice.

Long term care
All-In Palliative Care: The Team Approach to LTC For Ontario long-term care homes that want to build their team’s competencies and capacity in interprofessional palliative...
Butterfly Indicator Module A method for quick and effective communication regarding the death of a resident. Utilizing the butterfly indicator is an...
Canadian Coalition of Seniors' Mental Health Website with resources for individuals, families and health care providers related to senior's mental health issues including...
Care of dying adults in the last days of life This guideline covers the clinical care of adults (18 years and over) who are dying during the last 2 to 3 days of life.
Caregiving Strategies for Older Adults with Delirium, Dementia and Depression This best practice guideline focuses on assisting all nurses (RNs and RPNs) who provide care to clients with delirium, dementia...
Choking and Swallowing Assessments in LTC: Clinical Indicators and Guidelines Published by the Canadian Association for Drugs and Technology in Health, Health Technology Inquiry Service (HTIS), in July...
Comfort Care Rounds Module Comfort Care Rounds, originally Pain Rounds, were requested and attended by the registered staff in the evaluation LTC homes.
Communication at End-of-Life Utilizing Simulation Technology Personal Support Workers identified the need to improve their skill and comfort communicating with residents and families...
Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) CAM was intended to provide a new standardized method to enable nonpsychiatrically trained clinicians to identify delirium...
Doloplus-2 The Doloplus-2 is used for behavioural pain assessment in cognitively impaired patients.
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