Madeleine Cole is a family doctor who lives and works in Iqaluit, Nunavut. Despite growing up in downtown Toronto, she is the anomaly that has found professional and personal happiness in a small northern community. She has a longstanding commitment to sexual health and reproductive rights and remains passionate about improving the health of Inuit. She has a full scope clinical practice at Qikiqtani Regional Hospital and is Director of Medical Education for the region. The hospital has a partnership with both Memorial University and the University of Ottawa and many family medicine trainees come to Iqaluit for elective rotations in Nunavut. Health Ethics is another professional interest of Madeleine’s and she has led the creation of a hospital ethics committee in Iqaluit. If she is not at the hospital, she is likely playing on the tundra with her partner Kirt and their kids Noah, Jayko and Naja Jane.
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