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Losing a loved one to addiction 
Créé par Chris's sister
24 mars 2024, 14 h 20

Hi there. I lost my baby brother to opioids on September 28 2023, and I'm having a really hard time coping. Its6a different type of loss that so many (thankfully) don't understand. 
26 mars 2024, 9 h 37

Dear Chris's sister I am sorry that you have had to experience this loss.  It sounds like your brother was someone you cared deeply about  - and perhaps cared for at some points in his life too. Your nickname shows how you cared for him. For me, it's always been important to say the name of the person - they lived and were/are important in our life.

This is a safe place to speak your grief. We may not share the same grief experience, but we understand what it is to lose someone we loved. Another member, Ollie1968 started the thread, Lost my beautiful daughter May 1, 2020

You may have seen these resources already, but just in case: When someone has died related to substance use ;"When someone you know has died as a result of substance use, your grief may include thoughts, feelings, and experiences that are different from those you've had in the past. You may be left with painful questions or the sense that things are unresolved. You may be feeling isolated in your grief because others don't recognize your grief or avoid talking about what has happened, or because you are reluctant to share your experience with them."  And When your sibling has died; "Regardless of the circumstances, you had your own unique relationship with your sibling, which will greatly influence your grief."

Have you found resources in your community of friends, family or colleagues? Are you finding it hard to find those resources?

Kind regards,

Réponse de eKIM
27 mars 2024, 21 h 20


I am so sorry for your loss.  You have found a community of compassionate people to whom you can tell your story to help with your journey of healing.

What have you found that helps ease your pain?

Do you have people that you can talk to about this?  Friends, family?

Are you receiving help from professional therapists?

Message us any time you wish.

- eKim

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