Boîte à outils

Notre équipe clinique vous présente des protocoles, des pratiques d’avant-garde et des outils de mesure et d’évaluation qui vous aideront dans votre pratique.

Soins Palliatifs
Standards of Psychosocial Health Services for Persons with Cancer and their Families On behalf of the CAPO Board and the Standards Revision Committee we are very pleased to announce the completion of our revised...
Summary Chart: Hospice Palliative Care Nursing Certification Exam Development Guidelines This document includes the CNA Hospice Palliative Care Nursing Certification Exam development guidelines and the list of...
Supportive Care Framework: A Foundation for Person-Centred Care This book describes the Supportive Care Framework which was developed to conceptualize the many dimensions of care that cancer...
A Timeline of Hospice Palliative Care Policy and Practice in Ontario This report examines the evolution of hospice palliative care in Ontario, Canada.
A Timeline of Palliative Care Policy and Practice in British Columbia Report summarizing the development of palliative care services in British Columbia, Canada, highlighting how it has been shaped...
Tools to Support Earlier Identification for Palliative Care - Ontario Palliative Care Network The aim of this document is to support providers and system level leadership in earlier identification of patients who would...
WHO Model Lists of Essential Medicines The WHO Model Lists of Essential Medicines for adults and children,  includes those medicines required for palliative and...
World Health Organization - Planning and implementing palliative care services: A guide for programme managers This document is intended to support palliative care program development. Program managers can use this comprehensive document...
Stay, Breathe with Me: The Gift of Compassionate Medicine This book presents serious illness as a drama of body, mind, and soul. In this drama symptoms and suffering cannot be separated...
Tools to Support Earlier Identification for Palliative Care - Ontario Palliative Care Network The aim of this document is to support providers and system level leadership in earlier identification of patients who would...
The Way Forward National Framework This document is the first step in developing a national framework: a roadmap for implementing an integrated palliative approach...
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Guidelines for Discharge Planning for First Nations Patients Returning to Home Community for Palliative Care The Palliative  Care Program of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority has developed " Guidelines for Discharge Planning...
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