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Réponse de Cath1
04 nov. 2012, 12 h 27

For CarolynMarie



In the morning of life

First breath blushing

Hushed to sleep on mother’s breast

Wrapped in safety, warmed by love, content

Unknowing, ember glowing in the world

Bright and beautiful, the flame is lit

Eternal, pure, nothing will extinguish it

Life creates



Curious, wide-eyed, world beckoning

Furtive steps lead to confidence, growing

Music and laughter, books and water, branches climbing

Rhyming words and capricious dreams, running free

Windy days and sunny skies, thunder of life, electric blue

Flowering blossom of possibility, hope unlimited



Wine and song, eyes of wonder, wistful, searching, striving

Mysterious and magnetic, dancing heartbeats and silence

Significant the senses, brilliant jewel, humility befriending pride

Struggle, triumph to survive, long the ordinary days, timelessness

Power and presence, grand pursuits, small victories, work and truth



Connected, babe, girl, woman to the babe, boy, man, rings of fire fanned

Circles of life, round and round, emotions soften and harden and mold

Two into one, the sun and the moon, rooted in love and in need, in perpetuity

Romance, two souls dancing on shifting sands, adapting, changing, hand in hand

Elevated, stars collide, morning and night, love shines, reflected in the eyes of the other

Gratitude and grace, time and experience cannot erase a moment or a memory or a vow

Love is a promise, a choice, a soothing voice, a soft embrace, the smiles and wrinkles and tears on a face

Love inhabits the soul, travels with it wherever it roams; love surpasses all time and space, to thrive

Alive and limitless, endless, enduring, faithful, forgiving, glorious, gracious, grounded and spacious

The place love willingly rests is the sweet home of the heart and the familiar depths of shared souls

Made whole, made one, destiny will not be undone; fate shines upon one another, lovers forevermore

Gazing together toward a golden horizon yet to be seen, lovers anchored and adrift in the same dream

Eyes fixed on the shadowy expanse of distant seas and shores, emotions betwixt and between, yet

Faith endures, the dance of lovers, their music, their song, bewitched by the other, their dance lives on

Moving with Nature, wailing against the wind, watching the tide rush in, waiting for it whisper out again



Biggest heart ever known before or since, wince at the thought, so precious and painfully sweet

A woman, a wife, a life complete the moment a child fills the world and its empty spaces with pure joy

Boy, then girl, an endless merry-go-round of memories, smiles captured in sepia tones, at home, at last

Vast the reaches of a mother’s boldest dreams, babes in arms, swaddled, prized and precious charms

No harm shall come to those a mother loves and fiercely protects with iron will and velvet gloves, love

Of a mother for her child is mighty noble, pride above the clouds, deep as the emerald ocean and warm,

Gentle, like a tropical sea wind, like the calm after a storm, childbirth and all its painful hours, gently

Washed away like rain on a summer day, a cool breeze to ease her memory as showers bless her soul,

Her children, like flowers growing, beautiful, are rooted by her love, blossoms thriving, fragrant and free

Naturally instinctive is a great mother’s love as she touches her child, her treasure, ever so lightly, and

In the face of innocence and wonder where all her dreams began, she sees sparkling eyes and blue skies

To find in herself new strength, her feet planted on the ground, her head high above the clouds of love

And she carries with her, history, as she sets her children’s gaze firmly upon a future unknown, courage

She shows them, she leads the way; she saves the day time and again, living, giving, and teaching them

How to live, but most especially how to love, and no matter what the day may bring, she smiles through

And if she has a moment when she feels blue or lost and lonely, her children suddenly save the day with

A grin, a tear, a hug or a kiss, bliss it is when a mother is loved as deeply as this, so sweetly, completely


Babe, girl, woman, wife, mother and friend, sweet Carolyn, the love you give and receive will never end

Anchored safely you are in the arms of love, adrift in infinite oceans and hearts, and in the skies above,

You have Angels with you and around you, watching over and within you, reminding you, you are loved

And no matter how shadowy may be the night, remember sweetheart, your soul is a magnificent light

Refined by love and hope, spirit and courage, pure and true, the light I imagine is the one and only you

Your light is a shining star in the night sky guiding you home, and wherever love lives you will not be alone


With endless affection   -hugs -  -xo-


Réponse de NatR
04 nov. 2012, 12 h 34

Beautiful words of a beautiful person 
Thank you Cath1 for expressing such warmth love and enduring spirit

i am sure Carolyn Marie is all those things- and that someone will read those comforting words to her

sending my best wishes to Carolyn today along with your lovely words
06 nov. 2012, 22 h 18

Carolyn is being moved to a residential hospice today! She's very excited as this means she'll be able to get visits from her dogs as well as her family and friends. 
Réponse de Cath1
06 nov. 2012, 23 h 14

Very happy news about CarolynMarie's move to a residential hospice today! I'm sure it will make a world of difference for her and her family, including the four-legged members!:) Woot! Woot! or should I say, Woof! Woof!:)

Thank you for the update, Colleen!   

With affection -hugs- -xo-

Réponse de Nicasha
07 nov. 2012, 3 h 59

What lovely words you have spoken for Carolyn.  I am a friend of hers and am truly amazed how many people Carolyn has touched.  I know her family have seen some of these post and have been truly affected by all the communities kind words.  Your poem is so beautiful, I don't know if you wrote it or not, but it is perfect, it is like it was writen just for her. Carolyn's is a poet and would love this!
Thank you so very much,
Réponse de Cath1
07 nov. 2012, 19 h 04

Dear Sharon:

Thank you so much for your kind feedback! Thank you as well NatR!

Yes, I did write the poem exclusively for Carolyn (CarolynMarie to me:) and with only her in my mind and heart. She has indeed touched many lives and softened hearts and she remains an inspiration to all of us! She has the soul of an artist and upon her life, the life she shares so honestly and openly with those she loves and those who cherish her, she signs her love and creates a masterpiece!

I strongly believe in intuitive connections between people and I have felt this type of connection between CarolynMarie and I since she first began sharing her story here with us, as have other members here as well.  I have said before to her that I feel I know her even though we have not met in person, we have most definitely met in spirit.

Please send CarolynMarie and her family and friends - including you - our warmest wishes for a good day today! I know all those who love her best are making the most difference to her. We are honoured to be a part of any small comfort she receives.

Please feel welcome to share your feelings here with us any time, Sharon and extend the invitation to CarolynMarie's inner circle. You are all welcome to join in our discussion and to seek and receive support if needed. Like the hauntingly beautiful lyrics in the song by Sarah MacLaughlin, In the Arms of the Angel: I hope you find some comfort here.

With affection -hugs- xo

Réponse de SharonMarie
07 nov. 2012, 21 h 07

Cath1, that is truly amazing that you wrote that for her.  I do not have the words to say how much this means.  I will make sure her family, expecially her children see it.  I can understand how you have formed a special bond with her, she has that effect on people.  She is an special person, who I will never forget.  I also felt that connection with her when I first met her nineteen years ago.  She is like a sister to me and I miss her so much already.  Again thank you so very much, you too are one of Carolyn's (CarolynMarie's) Angels.
ps I somehow messed up my email address and had to create another account, so I choose SharonMarie (that is my middle name too and since I am on here for Carolyn, seemed fitting) instead of Nicasha.
07 nov. 2012, 22 h 49

Welcome SharonMarie (Nicasha) to Virtual Hospice.
We're delighted that you've come to share with us. Carolyn has touched us all and we hope our words help support her family and friends who envelope her with love.
Réponse de Tian
07 nov. 2012, 23 h 33

I don't have anything profound to say. I'm hoping that all the exquisite words and sentiments expressed here rub off on me in some way. Thanks again Carolyn for providing me the privilege of observing your valor and grace. I'm not surprised that you have wonderful friends there caring for you.

Réponse de Cath1
08 nov. 2012, 5 h 12

Dear CarolynMarie:

Thinking of you and your family and friends tonight! I hope you are setting into your new place. I know it will be a cosy and welcoming space because you are in it!:) I wrote a poem for you called "Hope". 



For the sun to rise to the delight of your eyes on this one day


For shining skies to lighten your mood and to soothe your brave spirit


For the presence of children and pets, and the silly sound of laughter


For awakening senses and a heartbeat to thrill you long after you hear it



For a loving, gentle touch of a warm hand and a kind word on this one day


For the strength to surrender to safe and sound slumber when you feel sleepy


For familiar, tender voices whispering to you words wrapped in courage and calm


For cleansing tears to wash away fear and unburden your body when you feel weepy



For peace and comfort found in friendly faces and places that feel like home on this one day


For the scent of roses and chamomile tea and the aroma of a home cooked meal and fresh fruit


For a true friend beside you to stroke your brow and to reassure you that you are not ever alone


For grace to live in the moment, to simply be, to set yourself free from worry to fly on wings of truth



For trust in life and in you and in the beauty of lasting love surrounding you and yours on this one day


For family to hold you, to sit with you in intimate silence that speaks clear of their dear love and care


For words of love to echo in your heart and profound gestures of caring to uplift you, body and soul


For harmony and poetry and a star in the night sky meant just for you to create wishes and prayers



For the moon to glow warmly as the light of compassion to shine mercy upon mystery on this one night


For the feel of your husband’s moist kiss on your cheek, a magic portal and safe passage to his dreams


For time with your children to see them smiling and strong and safe in the heart of the mother they love


For a chorus of guardian Angels on earth and high above to serenade you to sleep on a promise of peace



Wishing you hope to help you get through each moment. Goodnight and sweet dreams for now, sweet CarolynMarie.

With endless affection -hugs- -xo-


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