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What pets can do  
Créé par KathCull_admin
30 mai 2014, 22 h 42

I was at our community hospital waiting in the Tim Horton's lineup. Across from me, seated on a large raised chair, was a large, beautiful dog. As visitors and patients stopped to pet the dog and talk with the owner, you could literally see how their faces lit up with smiles and and their bodies relaxed.  

We have a little Yorkie – who is quite loud – but she too, makes us smile and holding or petting her brings comfort.


Cats, dogs, birds, fish, hamsters  - what stories do you have of pets who have comforted you?

Réponse de jorola
23 juin 2014, 0 h 09

We have two dogs that provide us soothing comfort and tonnes of comic relief. Ralph is a medium sized prue bred Austrialian Kelpie and Bruiser is our little half chihhauhau/half mini dash (also known as a chiweenie). They chased each other for an hour outside last night. Ralph is a herding dog and loves to herd his little big brother Bru. (Bru is the older one). Bru goes for Ralph's ears and when Ralph has his head on the ground Bru tries to sit on his head. We laughed at them until we were crying. This morning I woke up with Bru cuddled right up to me, head on my pillow and body under the blankets. I hugged him and rubbed his belly telling him what a good boy he was to his mamma.

Both dogs have been a God send since my fiance's diagnosis in April. They have diffiently made this journey more bearable.

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