Hospice Georgina

Adresse 152 High Street P.O. Box 721
Ville Sutton
Province / Territoire / État Ontario
Code postal / Code postal américain L0E 1R0
Pays Canada
Téléphone 905-722-9333
Numéro de télécopieur 905-722-0208
Adresse courriel caring@hospicegeorgina.com
Url http://www.hospicegeorgina.com

Hospice Georgina is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the residents of the Town of Georgina and Georgina Island. Delivers hospice services to the residents of the Town of Georgina on both the mainland and on Georgina Island at no cost. Provides respite care for caregivers who are looking after a loved one at home. Provides grief and bereavement programs and a lending library to support adults and children surrounding the death of a loved one.

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