Cours et conférences

Ajouter un événement
Titre de l’événement : CASN Everyday and Exceptional: Palliative and End-of-Life Care Undergraduate Nursing Education
Organisme : Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
Date de l’événement : février 11, 2016 to février 25, 2016
Lieu : , Autres,
Code postal :
Lien :
Personne-ressource : Margot McNamee
613-235-3150 Ext. 31
Public cible : Professionnels de la santé
Catégorie : Cours en ligne
Détails :

This three-week expert series encompasses a variety of topics relevant to PEOLC undergraduate nursing education, including the principles of care; the contributions of nursing; care planning with an emphasis on a team approach that includes family caregivers; consideration of human experiences; and an overview of resources, services, and settings. The philosophical framework for this series is inspired by the human becoming school of thought (Parse, 2014), within which human experience is understood as paradoxical. While drawing on contemplative pedagogy and exploring aspects of the CASN PEOLC Entry-to-Practice Competencies and Indicators for Registered Nurses, the co-facilitators invite participants to share experiences, insights, and questions to develop new understandings about how to prepare student nurses for PEOL caregiving in a variety of settings.

Course completion requirements include:
Participation in three, 1.5 hour live webinars, completion of assigned readings and participation in a discussion forum.

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