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Réponse de Sandrina56
21 avr. 2020, 18 h 20

Hi my name is S, I was just recently diagnosed with a glioblastoma. I have been reading up on fasting and it's potential benefits to treat glioblastoma. I was hoping someone might have some helpful information or advice to share. My main question is this.
Is fasting especially helpful leading up to chemo and radiation? If so what are the recommended time frames, duration of fasts, etc?
Thanks very much 
21 avr. 2020, 20 h 34

Hi S,
This must have been hard news to hear. Had you been having symptoms for some time S? Has the current covid social distancing made things more difficult for you?

I know that you would like to have more information about fasting and potential benefits to someone with glioblastoma.  If you go to this link Ask a Professional you can ask the questions you have and get a response that is based on the latest information and evidence from the health care team at Canadian Virtual Hospice.

I hope that you come back and post here as well though - to let us know how you are doing.
Take care

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