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Réponse de NatR
27 nov. 2013, 16 h 17

Dear nikki99

good to get your post.  So sad but comforting to hear that your step dad and your husband are breaking down with you.  The tears do help ease the pain a bit.  It has to be expressed - I am glad you do have each other.

it is so fresh a loss that every detail will hurt, every thought will be of your mom, every day you will miss her.  It's hard, that's why we all need a place we can be heard, let it out, talk about it.

i am very sad to know that your mom was in a crisis at the end.  I know how it feels to be short of breath.   It's a very difficult piece of information to know, and I understand how you wished you could have been there.

life is hard to orchestrate - in an ideal world no one would have pain, no one would suffer unnecessarily, no one would cry.  Life is a cycle - that is true.  I hope that you can slow your thoughts, wait for the peaceful moments when you will sense your mom.  I believe there is a bit of each of us that lives on.   Your mom wants to know you are at peace too.  I am not explaining it very well, but in essence I want to share with you the idea that love, spirit, memories all extend far beyond the grave.

there is no easy way to cone to grips with losing your mom.  But I can tell you that life is a process from birth to the grave, and that it's who we touch, who we love, who loves us back, that makes it all worth while 

you are the evidence of your moms love.  You are a shining example of a caring child, and now a mom to your own chikd.   We all leave a footprint behind - your mom did a remarkable job raising her children to be loving caring and kind.

i know this is long, I am sorry but life is a beginning and an ending - just know your mom loved you dearly, and your devotion to her mattered.

if we didnt have Love in our lives - can you imagine how empty our lives would be?
hoping that today you get a sign, a feeling, a sense that your mom is near you.

thanks for reading
sending a hug,
Réponse de marstin
30 nov. 2013, 3 h 17

Hi Nikki,

Your pain is so new and so raw and I can well imagine how visiting your Mom's home would bring on the tears. I remember the first few times I went to my Mom's after she passed and I could see her imprint everywhere and picture her and I sitting on her deck drinking coffee everyday. In time the sorrow might become a feeling of being so blessed to have had this wonderful lady as your Mom and althought the pain will still be there, you will find a way to carry on.

Although I am not an expert on these things, I am a spiritual person, and I have been told that it takes time for our loved ones to learn to be able to try to communicate with us. For us it came in the form of finding coins on the ground, seeing shadows out of the corner of our eyes, thinking someone had touched us or a scent wafting through the air and even our dog appearing to be playing with someone in the middle of the night. Even my non believing daughter has had experiences of someone stroking her hair and her arm that cannot be explained. Children too are more able to see things as they have not yet learned to fear it. Like I say, I am not an expert on these things but have experienced many things that got my attention.

It's good to know that your husband is able to support you and although he may not show it quite as much, he will be your rock. Your stepdad too will need your love and support. If you can, surround yourself with people who truly understand grief and loss.  Share your pain and know that on this site, although we are all strangers, the bond we share is incredible and so understanding. You will experience a huge mix of emotions for some time to come and we will be here whenever you just need to vent.

Réponse de Nikki99
02 déc. 2013, 3 h 25

So I feel guilty today. I have not really cried today, teared up a few times but no crying. Is something wrong with me? I feel like I should still be sobbing, I just lost my Mom, of of the most important ppl in my life. I feel like something is wrong with me. Then I tried to justify it thinking, maybe I am running out of tears. Afterall, I have been crying since july. i just don't understand. Yesterday I cried as soon as my husband started pulling out our Christmas tree and I absolutely hate Christmas music right now. Although, today my husband and I took our son to my work's Children's Christmas Party. I know my Mom would have wanted us to go and to be honest, I just needed to get out of my house! I haven't cried today but I still feel emotionally drained.

I feel so weird, like my Mom is gone but she isn't. It's so hard to explain, maybe some of you understand what I mean? My Step Dad and I have been talking more often so he has sort of taken the place of my Mom's and my phone calls every day. I still think of her when the phone rings wishing it were her. My son has become extremely affectionate with me, he has been patting my back several times a day and gives me kisses out of no where. I find this odd because he is a Daddy's boy. I think he senses that Mommy is hurting. I asked him, did Grandma tell you to be nice to Mommy?

It's nice to hear that you have had experiences of communication from loved ones. I used to truly believe but have lost so much belief since I found out about my Mom's illness. I hope I can have experiences that will make me believe again.

Réponse de marstin
02 déc. 2013, 4 h 06

Hi Nikki,

It's hard to believe in much of anything right now. Your body and your mind are going through so much. It's sometimes like being a zombie and yet out of the blue the tears will pour out and other times you almost feel emotionless. You are still in the shock stage and it will feel much like a rollercoaster and it can change from moment to moment. Grief is a strange thing and it is exhausting. There is nothing wrong with you, it's just your mind and yes, your body trying to cope. It is all connected.

I'm glad to hear that you and your stepdad are in constant contact. Your mom would be so happy to see that you are looking after each other. Little ones have a sense that we seem to lose as we get older and they can be incredibly sensitive to what's going on around them. How special it is that your little guy is trying to make you feel better.

Thanks for sharing with us.

Réponse de NatR
02 déc. 2013, 4 h 43

Hello Nikki, I agree with Tracie, you will have an unpredictable array of feelings, emotions, reactions, and all I can add is that you are doing okay, you are still thinking of, talking about and remembering your mom.

i think it's great you are talking to your step dad - the other person so close to your mom - he will give you support and comfort, as you give it to him.  You are both grieving.

Your son definitely can sense that you are hurting.  its truly amazing how we all sense each other's feelings and offer wordless support at times.

we all deal differently with things - you can't find a book to tell you how week one feels, month two, etc.  all you can do is take on one day at a time, know that you will get through them.
Don't feel guilty - I imagine everyone has days where they feel they are betraying their loved one by experiencing moments of happiness, or being distracted from grieving.

we don't know how we will some days, the grief hurts so bad.  Then other days you will smile, remember something wonderful and happy - and feel those warm moments - how important they are, memories.  It's a roller coaster - and there are ups and downs...

My mom passed away this year - and she was much older than your mom, at an age when you expect and know it will happen.
that doesn't stop me from thinking about her all of a sudden when I see something in the store that for a split second I want to pick up and mail to her, slippers, or something that reminds me of her - and I want to bawl right then, just fall down to my knees and cry, being reminded that she is no longer here - so I sense a bit of how you must feel.

i wish you peace tonight,
we are all travelling this path together 
sending a hug -  
NatR :)  
Réponse de Nikki99
02 déc. 2013, 14 h 55

I am so grateful to wake up to your messages. You both offer so much wisdom and make me think a little of my Mom because some of the things you say I know she would. Well I realize I am still grieving as I already cried this morning out of no where and over something so stupid. My cell phone was going crazy this morning with texts and I got this moment where I thought it was my Mom and then it kept going and I got scared that something was wrong and I was going to hear more bad news. So when I finally read the message and everything was ok I just bawled. It was just my step dad touching base. I find I am so scared to lose anymore ppl around me, I feel like more bad things are going to happen. This has been such a bad year, I not only lost my Mom but we had to put one of our cats down in August. I just can't wait  until this year is over, I am not really a supersitious person but's been such a bad year for so many ppl.
So I don't really remember my dream last night but I get this feeling I was arguing with my Mom. I wouldn' t be surprised if I was talking in my sleep last night because I just remember talking really loud. Very strange.....and not really something I want to remember doing.
Sorry to hear that you lost your mother as well tthis year too Nat. It's never easy at any age. Hugs
I really wish my Mom would just tell me she is alright, I think I am just so worried how she went, it was a shock for her too. I just need her to let me know she is ok.

Hugs to you both, thank you for being here for me
Réponse de marstin
02 déc. 2013, 15 h 52

Hi Nikki,

I just felt that I had to share this with you because I know that how your Mom passed really hurts you. About 25 years ago I had a massive heart attack when I was in my early 30's. I pretty much died before they were able to get me breathing again. I remember so clearly not being able to breathe but it didn't frighten me at all. It was a very peaceful feeling as I drifted away down a tunnel of sorts and I truly wasn't happy when they pulled me back and got me breathing again. I no longer fear death.

It took me a long time to not think that my Mom was calling me when the phone rang because although we spent the day's together, she would also call at night when she was lonely. Your Mom will come to you when the time is right and you are a little stronger. Never doubt that she is watching over you and wants nothing more than for you to keep moving ahead and find happiness once more. Right now you are very fragile and need to take care of yourself. I found that taking walks, working in the garden and just enjoying nature brought comfort to me. I was never a nature kind of girl but the quiet and the beauty made me find some peace within myself.

Hugs to you sweet Nikki,

Réponse de Nikki99
03 déc. 2013, 2 h 58

Hi Tracie,

Thanks for sharing that with me, your messages always seem to make me cry! lol I think because sometimes they almost remind me of my Mom and something she would say. Don't worry, it's not a bad thing, I promise! That is so scary you went through that. I hope my Mom felt peaceful, I really do. I hope she wasn't scared at all, that thought makes me feel so sad. Apparently she visited one of my cousins, my step dad said. Whether in a dream I don't know, I didn't ask. I can't help feeling jealous because I am impatiently waiting. Today was a worse day than yesterday, it's amazing how one day is so different from the next. It's amazing too how SO many things remind me of my Mom. I keep talking to her, sometimes I feel weird but it's something I feel I need to do.
I wish I could go and enjoy nature and go for a walk but we are heading into a cold snap and are getting like 15 cm of snow! Yuck!! I have just been keeping busy around the house, cleaning and organizing. I am spending the day by myself again tomorrow and I have plans for the rest of the week so hopefully that will take my mind off things. My son will also be with me on Thursday and Friday so he will keep me busy! I just keep thinking when I have quiet moments, all the things I am going to miss doing with my Mom and all the things she won't be here for :(
Réponse de NatR
03 déc. 2013, 18 h 57

Hello Nikki99,

how is today going for you?

it was interesting to read the post from TracIe, and to know her experience with a close call could be helpful for you.  I think it was also an important bit of info for me as well.  I wonder how it will feel to have a close call, what it will feel like first hand.  So thank you Tracie for sharing.

nikki I hear you about the cold weather.  But when you are able to, in the spring, it might be really helpful to watch the renewal of the earth, the budding of trees, the flowers pushing through the soil, a reminder of the fact that we all live on in some small way, our spirit as well.

it might help to plant something in honour of your mom, or make a memory corner in your yard, or somewhere in your home even - so many cultures and religions have candies, photos, memorials - just a calm spot to think and remember.

sorry, I am going on, personally I have not done this for myself, but I am just trying to think of ways to help you cope:)

i also lost lost a brother at the young age of 39.  It was many years ago, I was 41 - so over 24 years I guess.  His death also shocked my whole family, in the same way the early, too soon loss of your mom Affected you. It stayed with me for a long time, although we had never been close as siblings, I wasn'tPrepared to lose someone so early.  my brother left a wife and three very small children.  I still watch those children, now adults with jobs relationships and lives, moving on, and I am grateful that I can see their progress.  

In the same way, Nikki you are so young, dealing with your own young family, your son, your husband, and having lost your mom.  I agree it's too soon.  It's too hard, and your feelings and grief are overwhelming - but one thing about life is that we don't always get the choices we wish we could have.  Life is hard, no way around that.  Life can change in a moment for both good and bad reasons.  

I guess I am trying to say we have to carry on, and i hope today has been a better day for you.  I also am looking forward to you sharing some stories about your mom, the things you learned, the moments you remember.  She is in your heart and always will be.  Because of you, we as a group will learn about your mom, the person she was, the lessons she left for you.

my thoughts fly your way today,
write when you can.
Réponse de Nikki99
04 déc. 2013, 17 h 41

I look forward to both of your messages every day now. Thank you for that. I find I don't look forward to much these days. I feel so empty inside lately. A huge part of me is missing and it just leaves this empty feeling. I know it has not been long but it feels like as the days go on I feel worse. It just keeps hitting me over and over. I guess I am past the stage of shock and let me tell you, it really sucks!! Today I am actually getting out today. Going for lunch with a friend. I went out this morning to return a Christmas gift, as I am not participating in much now this year and I ended up at the dollar store and bought a bunch of fun little things for my son. That brought me some joy, I love to buy things for him. A small part of me felt like my Mom was with me because we liked to do that stuff together but I always wonder if it just my imagination.
Nat it's funny that you mention dedicating a spot to my Mom in my yard. I was thinking of doing exactly that. My Mom LOVED flowers/plants and all that comes with it. Her and my Step Dad live on a farm and have an amazing yard and have dedicated many hours out there. We had my wedding there and everyone always talks about how beautiful it was.
I bought a Christmas present for my Mom - even though she didn't want me to and I didn't receive it in time to give it to her. It's a solar wolf (she really loved wolves). I had decided to put it in my yard once spring comes but also dedicate an area in her honor. I hope she will visit the area and also maybe it will help me. I have been thinking on getting a rock or something and have something written on it or her picture or something. I haven't quite decided yet. Since she was cremated, I don't really have an "area" to visit and talk to her.
I know I have said it before, but I thank you ladies so much for listening to me and being so kind. I truly look forward to your messages every day.

Nikki XX

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