- Occurrences trouvées dans: Programmes et services
... support to clients, families and caregivers to manage end-of-life and to cope with loss and grief during the illness and bereavement. Service is delivered throughout the region in various settings such...
- Occurrences trouvées dans: Ressources
... applied philosopher, includes writings, resources, links, videos, and course offerings related to grief and bereavement.
children, teens, young adults, families, grief and bereavement
... by Kids Help Phone’ sprofessional team, the content addresses a range of topics (grief, sadness, stress, anxiety, depression, suicide, etc) and questions that childrenfrequently ask. Toll-free phone: 1...
- Occurrences trouvées dans: The Exchange
... (2018). « Bereavement and the Oregon Death with Dignity Act: How does assisted death impact grief? », Death studies, vol. 43, no 10), p. 647-655. doi: https: //www. tandfonline. com/doi/full/10. 1080/07481187. 2018. 1511636...
... d’objets d’importance associés à la personne décédée. 3 Exercice de contextualisation du deuil (Griefline Exercise); événements significatifs. 4 Interprétation et implication à l’échelle individuelle...