- Occurrences trouvées dans: Autres
... (depuis 2002) Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada; subvention à une équipe en voie de formation (EVF) dans le domaine des soins de fin de vie aux populations vulnérables Conseil d’administration,...
... with epithelial ovarian cancer at the age of 26 was not the fertility clinic outcome I was hoping for. My husband and I had been trying for a year and a half when we received this shocking news. The majority...
... connected him with Carol Macpherson, a palliative care nurse with HPCM, who was coordinating care for those living with advanced illness and those requiring grief support following death. She also helped...
CancerCare Nova Scotia Excellence in Patient Care Award for a volunteer
... team of Physicians, Nurses, Social Workers, Spiritual Care Workers and others, was formed to provide care which would enhance the quality of living for patients near the end of life and their families.