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thinking of you 
01 sept. 2021, 18 h 04

This might be a strange title,, but for me it is the beginning of a new chapter. I am 53 years young and starting a long, very long journey into a new life, to be training, to become a healthcare chaplain.
I live in south Wales; I work on a surgical ward in my local hospital, where every day we are surrounded by death and dying.  

When I came across this site,, I was so happy to read that this is possible.

To poses the ability to be supportive to the dying and the process of it. We all know without family and healthcare support we would all be very lonely.

I would like to thank everyone who has thought of creating this amazing website, to be able to offer help for anyone that is greaving.

25 oct. 2021, 18 h 50

Dear Flowergirl,Thanks so much for leaving this note. I know it has been more than a month since you posted and I apologize for my tardy response. 

How exciting to begin another phase in life! I imagine there is a story behind this new life....
Kind regards,Katherine

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