Forums de discussion

RESMETIROM. Liver Treatment  
Créé par Adl
19 juil. 2024, 20 h 42
his is a new drug approved by FDA for liver fibrosis treatment. Any one can confirm its effectiveness and success in treating or reversing liver cirrhosis or stopimg further damage/scaring / fibrosis /cirrhosis of liver ?  Also as this drig is very costly so is it available in canada and does health insurance covers it cost ?  . If not then what is price of one month course in canadian medical stores ?
19 juil. 2024, 20 h 48

Hi Adl,
I understand you will have so many questions about possible treatments. I see that you have written to Ask a Professional (AAP) . I think for what you need now, the clinical team at AAP are the best choice to give you more information.

But please keep us posted on the Discussion Forums as to how things are going. 

Kind regards,
Réponse de Adl
19 juil. 2024, 21 h 01

thank you. 
Réponse de Adl
20 juil. 2024, 17 h 13

I have asked the same question at AAP but rather replying they told me taht they are unable to understand my questions and i shoul either go to physician or to visit liver. Ca websi 
20 juil. 2024, 18 h 27

Hi Adl,
Although the Canadian Virtual Hospice Ask a Professional (AAP) clinical team work to provide support and information to people who write in - they are not always able to give the answers people are looking for. Your questions regarding medication choice are really best asked of your health care team because they know you, the history of the illness you have and the evidence based options that might be available.  

The AAP team is not meant to be a substitute for direct medical advice and/or care and they cannot provide advice regarding diagnosis or medical treatment.  

I am wonderng if you have gone to the site? There is some information on clinical trials for people with liver disease - I'm not sure if that would be helpful for you or not.  I was also just looking at the Resource Hub. Again not sure if that would be helpful for you.

Have you been able to talk to your healhtcare professionals? Do they know the concerns and questions you have? Do you have family/friends who could navigate with you?

Illness can feel isolating I know.

Réponse de Adl
20 juil. 2024, 19 h 16

Actually, I am outside of Canada, and there is no option to meet with a physician virtually. I cannot ask any of my relatives to go to the doctor as they are busy with their routine lives. If you can still help, please tell me about any doctor who is available online. I will then share all my reports and information to seek good advice. Otherwise, when I return to Canada, I will surely consult a doctor, but it may take some time due to some domestic problems. Thank you so much for your care and support. (email address deleted by moderator)  Thank you again.

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