Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Palliative Care Program

Adresse A8024 - 409 Tache Avenue
Ville Winnipeg
Province / Territoire / État Manitoba
Code postal / Code postal américain R2H 2A6
Pays Canada
Téléphone 204-237-2400
Numéro de télécopieur 204-237-9162

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Palliative Care Program is responsible for comprehensive, coordinated services to residents/families in the Winnipeg region. Responsible for palliative care clinical care, education and research in the region. Clinical programs include 2 in-patient units, out-patient clinics, home response team and clinical nurse specialist visitation team. Criteria and other documents about the program available on-line at

A Pediatric Palliative Care team also exists as part of the this program. They provide services to children and their families who live throughout Manitoba. This team also works with the Women's Health Program to provide perinatal palliative care.

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