Alberta Hospice Palliative Care Association

Adresse 1245 - 70 Avenue S.E.
Ville Calgary
Province / Territoire / État Alberta
Code postal / Code postal américain T2H 2X8
Pays Canada
Téléphone 403-206-9938
Adresse courriel

Alberta Hospice Palliative Care Association promotes and supports comprehensive and quality hospice palliative care in Alberta. We raise public and political awareness of hospice palliative care by:

  • Highlighting news and palliative care events through our social media, newsletter and website
  • Engaging with local media to keep palliative care in the news
  • Liaising with the provincial government to make recommendations

We help Albertans access good quality hospice palliative care services by:

  • Providing and maintaining a directory of Alberta-wide palliative care services
  • Taking phone calls and signposting people int he right direction

We support professionals and volunteers to provide good quality hospice palliative care by:

  • Running annual province-wide educational roadshows for professionals and volunteers
  • Facilitating educational scholarships for volunteers and an award for unpaid caregivers
  • Uniting all the grass root hospice groups annually to learn and share experiences at our Imagine conference with around 30 local groups represented each year

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Nos partenaires

Découvrez ce que les Canadiens veulent savoir

Consulter un professionnel
Consulter un professionnel

Notre équipe d’experts est là pour répondre à vos questions à propos des maladies potentiellement mortelles et de la perte d’un proche.

Simplement envie de parler?
Simplement envie de parler?

Participez aux forums
de discussion.

Livres, liens et bien plus
Livres, liens et bien plus

Recommandations de notre

Programmes et services
Programmes et services

Services offerts aux échelons
local, régional et national