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Soins palliatifs
10 mythes entourant les soins palliatifs - Infographie Infographie consacrée à 10 mythes répandus à propos des soins palliatifs. Aussi disponible en anglais, en arabe, en catalan,...
Accès aux soins palliatifs au Canada Il s’agit du premier rapport complet de l’ICIS sur l’accès aux soins palliatifs dans l’ensemble des milieux de soins. Il...
Access to Palliative Care: A Neglected Component of the Right to Health A Report on the Human Rights Council Side Event. On  June  6,   2011,   in  conjunction  with  the  17th session  of  the...
Advancing Palliative Care in Resource Limited Settings Presentation by Dr Kathleen Foley, September 2014 highlights projects around the world which offer lessons to other resource...
Améliorer L'accès aux soins palliatifs Available in many languages including French.
Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians – Response to “The Making of a Myth: Unreliable Data on Access to Palliative Care in Canada" In response to the article by Jocelyn Downie that was being circulated last fall (“The Making of a Myth: Unreliable Data...
Dame Cicely Saunders Videotaped interview of Dame Cicely Saunders, the founder of the modern hospice movement who revolutionised palliative care...
A Deeper Understanding of Palliative Care This resource defines palliative care and details where it fits along a continuum of care, from diagnosis to end of life.
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