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La prise de décisions - voir aussi Directives de soins de santé / La prise de décisions
New2SLGBTQ+: Proud, Prepared, and Protected A collection of online resources to assist people who identify as 2SLGBTQ+ to access and receive inclusive, respectful care.
Advanced Care Planning This brochure was prepared by the Improving End-of-Life Care in First Nations Communities research project and intended to...
Best Endings Canadian website with mission and mandate to help navigate personal and medical decisions as life’s end nears.
British Columbia - Advanced Health Directives This website provides key information related to advance health care planning in British Columbia including a downloadable...
British Columbia - Organ Donation Information about organ donation for palliative care patients in British Columbia available on the Victoria Hospice Society...
British Columbia (Vancouver Island Health Authority) - My Wishes for Future Health Care Information Package This information package is a resource to patients and families as a way to engage in a conversation about your future health...
Care at the end of life for advanced cancer patients: When to stop cancer treatment Information sheet on how do you know when to stop cancer treatment and questions to ask your doctor.
Faces of Caring Faces of Caring is a community to share deeply human stories, advice, and resources for facing serious illness. It harnesses...
Fédération des aînées et aînés francophones du Canada La Fédération des aînées et aînés francophones du Canada a comme vision : « des aînées et aînés de langue française qui participent...
I Don’t Want Jenny To Think I’m Abandoning Her: Views On Overtreatment A palliative care physician helps a cancer patient cope with her coming death, while her oncologist struggles to give up...
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