Boîte à outils

Notre équipe clinique vous présente des protocoles, des pratiques d’avant-garde et des outils de mesure et d’évaluation qui vous aideront dans votre pratique.

Communication LivingMyCulture. ca shares the lived experience of sixty-four people from eleven cultures. Stories about traditions, rituals...
Maintaining the Connection: Communication Tips in Alzheimer’s Disease Animated video that reviews communication tips on how to communicate with loved ones who have Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
Marie Curie: Palliative Care Knowledge Zone This area of the website offers a range of information on palliative, end of life care to support and inform the clinical...
My Health. My Wishes. My Plan: An Advance Care Planning primer and practical approaches for healthcare providers The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network (TC LHIN) and East Toronto Health... MyGrief. ca is an online resource to help people work through their grief from the comfort of their own home, at their own...
Oncotalk Website designed to assist medical professionals with the difficult conversations around dying and end of life care. It contains...
Optimising the role and value of the interdisciplinary team: Providing person-centred end of life care Effective interdisciplinary teamwork, with its emphasis on person-centred communication, is increasingly seen as a way of...
Orienting Ourselves to Hospice Palliative Care Work This short video scenario is intended as a reflective tool to help health care providers be centred and culturally-sensitive...
Ottawa Family Decision Guide Pour les familles faisant face à une prise de décision difficile en matiére de santé ou de services sociaux.
Ottawa Personal Decision Guide Il peut aider les personnes à déterminer les décisions qu’elles ont besoin de prendre, à planifier les prochaines étapes...
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