Boîte à outils

Notre équipe clinique vous présente des protocoles, des pratiques d’avant-garde et des outils de mesure et d’évaluation qui vous aideront dans votre pratique.

Cancer Word Book with Severn Ojibwe (Oji-Cree) Equivalents Produced to promote communication when caring for First Nations people who speak Oji-Cree.
CARENET The Canadian Researchers at the End of Life Network (CARENET) is a group of health care professionals from across the country...
Caring for the Human Spirit Spiritual care journal started in Summer 2014 by the Health Care Chaplaincy Network. See the attached inaugural issue. For...
Chinese-American Outreach Guide Free online outreach guides for health care providers to enhance access and palliative care in these diverse communities.
Clinical Practice Guideline: Person-and Family-Centred Care This guideline provides best practice recommendations for direct care providers, staff and student educators. It also provides...
Comfort Care Rounds Module Comfort Care Rounds, originally Pain Rounds, were requested and attended by the registered staff in the evaluation LTC homes.
Companioning the Bereaved: A Soulful Guide for Caregivers Dr. Wolfelt, a respected grief educator, presents a model for grief counseling based on his "companioning" principles.
Completing the Circle This website created by First Nations University, Saskatchewan, provides information and resources on culturally sensitive...
Conversations on Dying: A Palliative Care Pioneer Faces His Own Death Dr. Larry Librach was a well known  leader in the field of Palliative Care, including being the Director of the Tammy Latner...
Decision-making for the End of Life The purpose of this policy is to assist physicians in providing medically and ethically appropriate care to patients at the...
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