Your Stories

I met my soulmate/husband in 1988. At the time I'd never heard of M. S. We fell in love and in 1990 we were married. I started to learn about M. S. and what it can do to a person. Gary had Primary Progressive PPMS. He progressed very slowly until the last 5 years when it started to really take its toll...
Hello. I am married to my husband Neil for 35 years . On June 2 /06 my Neil had a stroke at 49. Its been coming up on 4 years now, and I love him more every day and every night. I say to my kids it is a new life and we all have some good days and bad!! At first I said to myself what do I do now?   Neil...
All the lights in the living room had been turned off for the night; all except for the piano light. The head of this brass lamp had been rotated backward, throwing soft light on the wall behind it. The piano was now nothing more than a dark mass in a darkened room.   I was lying on the couch under a...
Romaine Ardizzon was given a prognosis of three months to live when she was first diagnosed with lung cancer. She hung on for 13 months to see her life's dream complete, the recording and production of an album titled Plus loin queue l'azur . She died on Jan. 5 at the age of 54. Now 100 per cent of the...
In a little cottage in downtown Whitehorse, talking about death brings people back to life. It’s a house for the dying and their families and friends. It’s for people who feel lost because they’ve lost someone. But you’d never know it from the outside. Sandwiched between a downtown motel and a government...
One of my favorite questions used to be "So how many children do you have? " I would typically respond with a broad smile that "I have 2 daughters and one son! " That simple question changed to one of unease, apprehension, fear and sadness after my 23 year old daughter Karalee passed away in March of 2010.
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