Your Stories

Our story started in January 2006 when Ward was told he had cancer. After major surgery in February, a diagnosis of Stage IV bowel cancer was given. It exceeded our beliefs being so ignorant about colorectal cancer and the ramifications of a Stage IV diagnosis. After just shy of 1 1/2 years of chemo,...
Bernie's 85-year-old feet spent a youth sweating through hockey skates as a competitive young athlete in the Prairies. After a sudden stroke, I gave one final massage to a stilled left foot and a right foot with little spunk remaining. Bernie smiled a last crooked smile as my sister-in-law and I quietly...
Hi everyone! My story starts back on December 13, 2008. I had gone to Jamaica for an 8-month contract as a destination rep. in a hotel. In December, I received a phone call from one of my siblings telling me that my Mom had lung cancer which had spread to the left and right side of the brain (more so...
Terry, who I have been with for 13 years, was not feeling well since December of 2008.    He went to a doctor and was prescribed different antibiotics at this time related to his hoarse voice, not feeling well and how his chest sounded. As his voice did not come back and he continued to feel awful into...
Almost 2 months ago my 7 year old son Gavin was diagnosed with an incurable disease called Adrenoleukodystrophy. On April 27, 2002, when I was only 15 years old, my son Gavin was born. Gavin has always been a healthy and outgoing boy, but in June 2009 we had noticed a difference in one of Gavin's eyes.
In September of 2004 my wife Pamela, at the age of 59, was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Pamela spent a week in ICU on dialysis when the decision was made to move her to palliative. That is when I, and my family, met an incredible human being, Dr. John Seely. Pamela only lived for another four days...
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