And you "made my day", NatR. It brought back a sweet memory.
For 10 years now, I have volunteered (pre-covid) at our local residential hospice. The average stay is 14 days. Our role is to comfort everyone - the residents and families. We are Compassionate Companions, if you will.
Very, very often I would hear a new arrival - someone at end of life- say, "I am so lucky to have found this place."
Every single time I would be in awe of their words. Imagine, they were dying and yet called themselves lucky!
What they meant, of course, is that a residential hospice is like a 10-star resort compared to a hospital ward. The private rooms with all the amenities, the superb meals (favourite recipes brought from home) made by the kitchen volunteers. The medical care (especially pain-management) is second to none.
I swear that whether they know it or not, every single person who is called to hospice/palliative care is an EarthAngel – from the Director to the medical staff to the psychosocial/spiritual team, to the volunteers, to the housekeeper and others I have forgotten to mention.
And residents are relieved that they are no longer a burden to their loved ones. Those sweet souls who could not possibly perform 24/7. Many times I have heard, “I’m so glad that he’s here. Now I can go back to being a wife, instead of a caregiver.”
But most of all it’s the honour, and the the privilege, of hearing someone who is at the end of life say, “You have made my day.” Imagine they may have less than 14 of them left, and I “made” one of them.
I give thanks every day for the blessing of being chosen to serve others. What a gift.
“Always be kinder than necessary.
You never know the burden that someone is carrying.”