Hi Heather my husband Lynn passed away last summer with mesothelioma. He was a very strong man & I'm sure he was in more pain than he often let on. He never accepted that it was terminal. So a lot of things never got discussed that should have. He had a lot of help from WSIB as his illness was caused from his work. They made sure he had every convenience he needed & good home care & he had very good care in hospital. He was only in hospital 8 days before passing on. But he fought this disease as hard as he could. The WSIB nurse from Toronto flew up to visit him two months before he passed & she asked me who I had come in to sit with him when I had to go out. Before I could answer her Lynn pipes up & told her "I don't stay home, I go with her" She was surprised at that. Near the end he'd stay in the van but usually if the store I was going to had those carts that he could drive around the store in, thats what he'd do. He was on oxygen for the last 6/7 months. We were camping the day before he went into hospital. We had a small motor home & he liked to go to Country & Bluegrass music festivals. Thats what we were doing for the week before he was hospitalized.
My daughter & I were not prepared for how fast he went downhill after being hospitalized. I sometimes wish he were still here but then I think of the pain he'd be in & am glad he didn't suffer long. I miss him so much. I still find it hard to believe that he's gone.
Heather if there is anyway I can give you any help please you only have to ask.
Stay strong.