Hello Bev
Welcome to this oasis of compassion. I hope that doesn’t sound hyperbolic, this figurative expression has a literal truth to it. I really do think that Virtual Hospice can provide a resting place when our current experiences make it seem as though we are trudging through desert sands.
I would like to encourage you to put your thoughts into words and share them here. You will see that you are speaking to gentle, compassionate souls.
I find journaling to be cathartic. Putting into words, that which is in my heart, brings me a measure of peace and calm. Even if the duration of this peace and calm is short, it is still welcome, especially when that which I am experiencing brings turmoil.
As far as “opening up” to people in a forum such as this, I am reminded of the quote by Blanche DuBois in the “Streetcar Named Desire” where she says: "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."
There is a phenomena of life wherein, from time to time, we come upon a compassionate stranger to whom we “open up”. It can be a healing and even life-altering moment.
In this journey called life, we wander our paths with our little candle held before us. However, the darkness is not so fearful, when we come upon a fellow traveler. Even though their candle seems as dim as ours, the two together will lighten the path twice as much.
We are very fortunate to be blessed with this opportunity in our times of need. I hope that Virtual Hospice provides you with such an opportunity.
Your husband appears to be stoic in the face of his health challenge. How are your emotions when you have your private moments? What are your main sources of support, Bev?
- eKim