Author(s): |
Quality Palliative Care in Long Term Care Alliance, Lakehead University |
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Personal Support Workers identified the need to improve their skill and comfort communicating with residents and families about EOL issues. To address this need, an educational intervention was developed using a high fidelity simulation lab. A simulation lab uses high fidelity manikins (with laptops, software, and compressors) to provide a realistic experience of being at a resident’s bedside. The resident (manikin) can communicate and has fully functioning blood pressure, pulse point, respiratory and cardiac sounds, as well as a chest that rises and falls with breathing. A case study was designed for use in the simulation lab so PSWs could further develop their skills talking to residents and families about palliative care / end-of-life care in a controlled and safe environment. The simulation experience and the debriefing session at the end of the simulation gave PSWs the opportunity to learn from each other. This intervention proved effective based on a pre and post survey as well as a post interviews. Website also links to Simulation Facilitator Package and Simulation Participants Package.