Palliative Care: The Nursing Role

Author(s) Jean Lugton & Rosemary Mc Intyre
Publisher Churchill Livingstone
Year 2005

This book lays a clear foundation of knowledge for any nurse involved with palliative care. It focuses on the needs and perspectives of the patient, and seeks to give the reader a strong, broad understanding of how best to deliver full, rounded care. Covering the wide range of care provision in hospices, hospitals and patients' homes, the book draws widely from practice examples to explain and expand theoretical issues. Research evidence underpins each of the chapters, while guided activities enable readers to reflect in a focused way on their experience and current practice. While recognizing the importance of team work in providing good quality palliative care, the book unashamedly concentrates on the unique nursing skills and knowledge required for this demanding work. Covering key issues in palliative care nursing such as spirituality, sexuality, ethics, loss and grief, this book defines and develops palliative care as a key nursing specialty.

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