Tools for Practice

Our clinical team has identified protocols, advanced practices, and assessment and evaluation tools to help support your practice.

Hospice Concepts: A Guide to Palliative Care in Terminal Illness Provides a succinct yet comprehensive overview of hospice care. The book covers everything from hospice philosophy to Medicare...
Hospice Enabled Dementia Care: The first steps A guide to help hospices establish care for people with dementia, their families and carers.
Hospice Palliative Care Training for Physicians: A Self-Study Program The Academy's self-study program consists of a series of monographs, or UNIPACs, each following the recommended format for...
Hospice Palliative Care Volunteers: A Training Program A training manual developed by the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association to ensure that volunteers receive consistent...
In Our Own Voices: Aboriginal Perspectives in Hospice Palliative Care Video, produced by Pallium Project available free-of-charge online,  intended to promote reflection and discussion around...
Indigenous Cultural Competency (ICC) Online Training Program This website includes information about the ICC training program. You will be able to register for and log into the core...
Integrating a Palliative Approach: Essentials for Personal Support Workers - Workbook This workbook is a companion to the textbook, ‘Integrating A Palliative Approach: Essentials for Personal Support Workers. ’...
Integrating a Palliative Approach: Essentials for Personal Support Workers- Textbook This textbook is written specifically for personal support workers, healthcare assistants, nurse’s aides, community support...
Internet-based Education on End-Of-Life Issues The American Psychological Association (APA) and its collaborator, eNURSING llc, is very pleased and proud to present a new...
Interprofessional education in palliative and end of life care course free modules These modules teach fundamental clinical communication skills taken from the full de Souza Interprofessional Education in...
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